Guilt free Sausages?

Do Hindus and Buddhists come across as ultra smug for trying to be veg or vegan?

It's so funny to see people, Westerners,. soil themselves to explain how superior and evolved they are by not eating real sausages.

The real cool vegans just do it and get on with it and have for centuries.

I guess eggs are the worst, eating someones unborn child on toast.
I hate to do this, but the amount of uneducated, illogical, and plain wrong comments in this thread is gob-smacking. It's like none of you ever engaged your brains or did any modicum of research before typing your nonsense and providing your incorrect opinions as accurate or relevant.

Yes, billions of animals will cease to exist over a few generations of decreasing breeding rates as the industry came to a close. But these billions of animals are a man-made phenomenon and wouldn't ever have existed in the natural world without the intervention of intense breeding by humans. Billions of animals will cease to be bred each year, thus saving them from a life destined for slaughter. Not forgetting that almost every example of animal we farm for food is an echo of a distant relative, bred far beyond its ability to survive in the wild. They are selectively bred over thousands of years just as our dogs and cats were. Yet I don't see anybody arguing to put all the dashhounds back into the plains of Africa or the freezing Artic circle where they 'came from'.

Yes, no matter what you eat, other organisms will likely have suffered at the expense of the food on your plate. But accidentally killing a variety of insects and small mammals as part of the process isn't a justification for actively slaughtering billions of animals each year. Countless more insects and small mammals (to name a few) are accidentally killed throughout the entire agricultural industry that exists to provide animals their feed. We could but both out simultaneously.

There is so much disinformation on subjects like this it's painful, and as a society we're engrained to believe what wider society, corporations and government lobbyists tell us (meat is great...because it makes people lots of money).

Weird you quoted me then explained what i wrote but thanks for the support, like and subscribe.
Do Hindus and Buddhists come across as ultra smug for trying to be veg or vegan?

It's so funny to see people, Westerners,. soil themselves to explain how superior and evolved they are by not eating real sausages.

The real cool vegans just do it and get on with it and have for centuries.

I guess eggs are the worst, eating someones unborn child on toast.
Couldn't agree more.
Taking health advice from a chap who polishes off a bottle or two of a gin a week :cry::cry::cry:
I guess eggs are the worst, eating someones unborn child on toast.

I dunno, cows have it bad. We eat them, their breast milk, which is for their child, which we also eat. We also wear their skin.
would love to see an ethical dairy farm and details of it ,not saying this sarcastically

The best ones I've seen are the robotic ones, the cows can go and get milked whenever they want so they don't get as uncomfortable and seem to have less mobility issues.

I was also on a farm recently where the male dairy calves are raised for meat, now I know you'd rather they weren't eaten at all but they do at least get a life which is a lot better than the wasteful and moralistically questionable alternative.

I do apologise about the pig farm comment earlier, I'm far from vegan but do agree that pig farming is in a pretty sorry state. It's the one meat I really go for outdoor raised. I just find those videos where they break in to sites a bit dishonest a lot of the time and activists certainly do stage some things, I've seen where they've remove dead animals from the fridges to make it look worse than it is etc.

Overall I think my preferred solution is just high welfare farming, maybe I'm just a ******* but a well executed (excuse the pun) farm system can mean that animals are well cared for and have a death with minimal suffering. This requires smaller farms and much more expensive meat, a chicken should not cost less than a box of ******* chocolates.
That's not really true.

Worldwide mammal population is estimated at 130 billion, and most don't experience a whole lot of 'cruelty'. We eat 2 billion mammals per year, just in pig, cow, sheep and goat numbers, and most face human cruelty in some form.

'Most'? Nope. Have you actually visited a farm to see how sheep, goats, cattle, etc. are cared for?

The issue is wide spread, countless times farms have been infiltrated to expose what happens here in the UK. Even those stamped by industry leading animal welfare standards.

The industry is massive, the number of rogue farms is negligible.

Morally, do you think it's OK to take a sentient beings life when they want to live?

Yes. Other animals do it all the time. It's the way nature works. Our own species wouldn't have survived this long without eating meat. Nor would any other meat eating species. Why is it OK for other animals to eat meat but not us? At least we have rules about doing it in a way that doesn't involve suffering.

Just look at this table, it's depressing.


What's depressing about it? Were some of those lambs destined to grow up and become brain surgeons? Did we unwittingly kill off the first cow astronaut? Has someone accidentally eaten the rabbit who would have cured bowel cancer? :confused: :rolleyes:

The entire idea of a humane slaughter is laughable. Humane meaning "having or showing compassion or benevolence.", nothing humane about ending a healthy animals life that wants to live, for a sandwich that will be forgotten about shortly after.

Firstly, it is entirely possible to kill an animal in a humane way. This is certainly better treatment than they'd get out in the wild.

Secondly, I never forget a good sandwich.
Firstly, it is entirely possible to kill an animal in a humane way. This is certainly better treatment than they'd get out in the wild.

Absolutely, if anyone has ever watched an Attenborough nature show of a life of an Antelope. Getting chased daily running for its life with a big cat eventually biting it in the throat till it dies whilst another is chewing on its backside while its not even dead yet, compared with a cow thats been roaming round a field at its own leisure then gets a bolt in the head. Its not even remotely the same level of terror and suffering
I guess eggs are the worst, eating someones unborn child on toast.

Would only apply to fertilised eggs - I would think most laying hens are kept separate to roosters, so essentially the egg is fully infertile and just a store for all the nutrients required for the development of a foetus (that wouldn't be present in any you'd normally buy off the shelves).

But - I'm sure I've seen some horrible videos on the internet (or it might have been on Sky, on "an idiot abroad"), where he went to China and they were eating fertilised eggs with a baby chick in, nearly made me sick watching it.
I make sure to abuse all of our animals at least twice a day, first and last thing before bed.

I find a good verbal dress down followed by some weight shaming before telling them I don't REALLY love them and they are all lucky I keep them about at my expense tends to do the trick!
No, that's the point: It's cruel even with well-kept livestock.

Yup the standard industry practices are cruel, it’s not some rogue farmers as some would suggest.

When there’s money to be made off selling the corpses of animals do people really think farmers are going to take a hit of their profitability to look after the animals properly?
But - I'm sure I've seen some horrible videos on the internet (or it might have been on Sky, on "an idiot abroad"), where he went to China and they were eating fertilised eggs with a baby chick in, nearly made me sick watching it.
I do find the idea of that pretty unpleasant. I once had a boiled egg (from an amateur chicken keeper) which had a mostly-developed chick inside. Grim.

But, I eat eggs, fully grown chickens, and whitebait (whole little fish), so it's not a consistent position to find it disgusting really.

Also, a small percentage of supermarket eggs will be fertilised. The sorting process isn't 100% on getting rid of the males, so you do sometimes have one in the flock. Eggs need to be kept warm before they'll develop, though, so unlikely to ever find a fetus.
Yes. Other animals do it all the time. It's the way nature works. Our own species wouldn't have survived this long without eating meat. Nor would any other meat eating species. Why is it OK for other animals to eat meat but not us?

Do you think we should base our morality on wild animals? Lions rape each other, does that make it ok using your logic? Wild animals also kill and eat each other out of necessity, they don't have a supermarket with an abundance of plant based options just as easy to cook and eat.
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