Gwent: The Witcher Card Game

Well, I tried the new deck and my win ratio definite improved, so thanks for that. :)

I do have Stennis.

I milled one deck and am up to 650 scraps. I should have 800 soon.

Any suggestions on what to craft and which card to replace?


I would probably replace prize winning cow with Stennis or swap Thaler for Stennis. Craft Villentretenmerth. I would then do everything possible to win 1 round without playing any of my Golds if possible. Except maybe Yen Conjurer.

Round 2 play Stennis and then go into round 3 with as many golds as possible. Playing Villentretenmerth to secure the win. Just make sure you have 3 cards left when he is played.
I think I will swap Thaler since I haven't had much use for him the times he has appeared. I like the potential card advantage the cow offers.

Ok, I will craft Villentretenmerth when I get the scraps. Do you recommend replacing a card with him or just adding him to the deck?

I really appreciate the time you have put into helping me, thank you. The game was much more enjoyable last night with the changes you suggested.

Hopefully I will get the hang of this soon and be able to spec my own deck. :)
Getting a bit sick of Nekker/Absorb spam from Monster decks now :p It's two out of three games it's Skellige with Harold, or Monster Nekker decks. Harold is too much of a power swing and Nekker/Spider absorb spam/point generation is ridiculous.
I've taken a wee break at the moment. Was playing the odd weird deck in casual mode only but yea they Monster Consume and Discard Skellige are a little bit out of control on the ladder it seems.
Never got around to trying the beta but MS sent me a couple of keys to share, help yourself (but post if you take one please).

I've been looking into getting this as it seems different to HEX & Hearthstone :D

Noticed the public beta for GWENT starts 24-05-2017 :)


GWENT’s Public Beta is a fresh start for everyone. Card collections and player progress will reset to ensure gamers begin on equal footing. Everyone who participated in the Closed Beta will receive Card Kegs, as well as other in-game rewards for their activity.
So open beta starts today! :)

I'm really excited to play again, there looks to be a lot more variety and in faction synergy than previously.
Been playing open beta and quite liking it so far.

The only thing I notice is on so many matches people do not pass at all.
Not sure if this is normal, gets annoying when people play to last card then have 1 card at end and they somehow draw a lucky card on third round that beats my two or three card advantage :(

Seems either the 1st or 2nd round goes on forever or the other guy ragequits :(

Seems like card advantage doesn't mean a lot in gwent? (have noticed a few people saying it's only been like this since the open beta changes? :confused: )
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Yeah it's definitely more fun now than in CB.

I'm enjoying a wild hunt frost deck (easiest to craft as you already start off with most of the stuff you need) but working towards building a control scoia'tael - the problem here is control ST requires a lot of expensive silvers and gold cards which I don't have yet. :(

This time I haven't milled any faction, though there are certain archetypes I know I'll never play (ie consume monsters). Even so, the only faction I don't enjoy right now is Nilfgard - dunno why, just doesn't feel right.

Despite being die hard Skellige in closed beta, I have barely touched them in OB, though discard and axemen are still strong as ever and wounding/warcry is surprisingly good now. Restore has been so badly nerfed I'm tempted to mill the one I got from a keg. Though I almost have enough to play Queensgard - just need Cerys tbh.
I had just under 200 kegs to open, the drop rates on Epic/legendary cards are way lower than the closed beta.

I got:

  • Alzur's Double Cross
  • Bekkers twisted Mirror
  • Treason
  • White Frost
  • Dudu
  • Iris
  • Katakan
  • Malena
  • Odrin
  • Caranthir
  • King of Beggars
  • Roach
  • Ocvist
  • Saesenthessis
  • Sile (Was she a starter?)
  • Toruviel
  • Vernon Roche
  • Yennefer
  • Ciri
  • Cyprian Wiley
  • madman Lugos
  • Saskia (Was she a starter?)
  • Imlerith
  • Nenneke
  • Vilgefortz
  • Operator
  • Avallac'h
  • John Natalis
  • Thaler
Been building a variation of Dwarf deck that is doing really well. Was in the top 500 yesterday before logging off. Really hammered the open beta over the weekend as there was so many refreshing changes from the closed beta.
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