***Gym Exercise Guide, and Form Discussion/Feedback***

It turns out the new plates in Iffley are incredibly flexible. Will tipped the EZ bar up so it was resting on a 10kg and it just bent and the whole thing fell over :eek:, doesn't bode well for when people deadlift with the heavier ones :)
Anyone have any recommended videos for box squats? Reading through the article now but a video would be good.

Also what are people's views on front box squats - are they worth it?
Anyone have any recommended videos for box squats? Reading through the article now but a video would be good.

Also what are people's views on front box squats - are they worth it?

IMO the best thing about front squats is how deeper you can go compared to back squats, so why limit ROM and get a lot less from the lift.

I'm sure some people will do them though, but for me I see no reason to mess with ROM on fronts :)
Front squats from what I remember use less of the posterior chain.

I did some box squats on Friday, I have a video but it's not the best. I'll upload it so you can get an idea of what to do/not to do.
Here's the video.

So what I was doing wrong in this video is a rock forward to initiate the lift off the bench. On my next set I fixed it but didn't get a video. I will get a better one on Friday.

1. No trainers....... Why??? I certainly lift with trainers and being a size 13, it won't be easy or cheap to find anything else suitable.

2. Upright rows to be avoid..... Why???
1. No trainers....... Why??? I certainly lift with trainers and being a size 13, it won't be easy or cheap to find anything else suitable.

2. Upright rows to be avoid..... Why???

Much more stable being on the floor without trainers, especially when squatting or doing deads.

A lot of people have issues with upright rows. Done with an ez bar I can't say I have ever had an issue though it being controlled and not bringing it up too high .
I think the issue with upright rows is that to hold a standard BB at the top of the movement, you're having to heavily internally rotate your shoulders. Shifting from neutral to internally rotated whilst holding a heavy weight is going to put massive stress on your shoulder in its weakest position.
Yeah, traditional trainers are too squishy for most lower body movements.

Another thing about upright rows is that there are a ton of exercises that do the same thing without the risk of having your shoulders fall off.

I think if you were doing the movement more like a high pull in oly lifting you'd be much better off but like I said there are plenty of other things for putting size on your shoulders ;).
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