Quick Q Delvis: How high are you box jumps?
Just on to a standard Bench. So 2/3 foot I guess?
Why do you ask?
Quick Q Delvis: How high are you box jumps?
Just curious really
It depends on what you want from them. I played around with some at gymnastics that were around 50-55 inches, but that was just seeing how high I could go. There are also a ton a different ways to do things like that. You could try single leg box jumps, jump and land on one leg , we did some of them on Tuesday as well.
Fair enough. How come you chose that over something more traditional?
Traditional being?
I can't do much leg work if it involves my back, hence why I'm doing Split Squats at the moment as I find it's not too painful.
I may look in to Goblet squats and check my butt tuck, as that's what I wish to avoid.
No idea though really, just fancied them. And enjoyed them
Doing any kind of mobility work along with your workouts? This would really help with the butt tuck issue.
I think he just means more conventional cardio.
What else are you doing on your leg day, I've forgotten...
It's not so much the butt tuck issue. It's the previous injury stopping me at the moment, that and I wish to develop my core more and recover more in general.
Er, this:
Bulgarian Split Squats:
3 x 10 x BW
1 x 5 x 10KG
3 x 12 x 12KG*
Glute Bridges:
3 x 15 x 25KG
Glute Ham Raises:
3 x 15 x 25KG**
Calve Raises:
3 x 15 x 70KG
Box jumps:
3 x 10
Sometimes Leg extensions, depends on if my legs need more of a hammering
So, is that a no to any mobility work?
I'd certainly advise some glute and ham mobility work.
Have you tried DB step ups Delvis?
Meh, if you have mobility questions then ask them there, but here's fine for now.
I'd say do all of the hamstring and glute stretches once a day for about 15 mins, which should be easy enough to fit in if you make the effort.
Try step ups to the weights bench, there is info in the OP.
The ones from the squat mobility guide