***Gym Exercise Guide, and Form Discussion/Feedback***

Maxeh. Firstly you MUST rest the weight on the floor between each rep, reset then lift. Watch the video in the OP again.
Watch the op video again for the ques, reset each rep and come back with another video. Then we can take it from there :)

Been going through my head all day, is this really as cringe tastic as I am thinking it out to be, or is it just a case of being mindful to stop it?

Working on my core strength quite a bit at the moment and I am going to be throwing in some goblets with pulse as well to help even more.
Yes, there is too much movement in your lumbar.

It won't kill you, but it isn't optimal.
Please be gentle, how's my form on DL, just so happens to be my PB.

Don't jerk it at the start like that

Also look at how high your hips rise before the weight has even moved much.

Also you should be lifting from a dead stop.

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Yes, there is too much movement in your lumbar.

It won't kill you, but it isn't optimal.

Ta, I assume working on my core strength and being mindful of keeping everything tight is going to be the best course of action to fix this, along with some goblet squats and front squats?
Appreciate your advice on here as I'm still getting a sore lower back when squatting.

I see some issues with my upper body coming forward when I come up, maybe thats the problem?

This was 130x5

Thanks ice.

So need to work on the tucking and force the knees out more? I'm certainly pushing them out at the moment because of all my previous right knee issues, but will focus on pushing out more.

EDIT: Depth is fine, right?
Yes, knees out and lumbar control are the obvious problems. They are somewhat related, but coaching the finer points of this is a little tricky over the internet.

You need to be generating a lot more stiffness with your core.

These are relevant, despite being primarily about deadlifting.

You need to learn how to hip hinge effectively, which means to move around your hips with your spine neutral and completely locked down. This involves lats, glute med., and core. You should feel like you're sitting onto your hamstrings and glutes, rather than folding over to make depth.

Could you show me a video of you doing RDLs as described in the OP? These are fairly awesome for exposing and correcting these faults. A guy I'm working with has used these a lot and now has pretty sexy technique when before I had to cover my eyes watching him :p
Yes no problem. Though I'm in the States next week and probably won't get a chance to film that until I return. TY For help.
Just wanted to check if my deadlift form has improved and I'm not going to snap my **** up. I dropped the weight and worked my way back up and I'm now at the same weight I was doing.

Sorry for the poor video I'll try and get a better one soon.

Before, I wasn't happy with the way my upper back rounds at the start
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