My pinkys are about half an inch to an inch inside the rings on the barbell. Anything else just breaks my shoulder (more so)
Can I ask how wide people of average height tend to grip the barbell? (assume 5'10-6'0)?
I know it depeds on a variety of circumstances but recently I have noticed that when I try to progress on weights I'm struggling and i think form is a big issue.
I have always put either my middle or index finger on the knurl. I also let my wrists drop back. From watching the videos that's a big no no and I need to get my power under the bar. So when I adjusted and tried to keep my wrists straightI noticed that my wrists were turning in (thumb towards forearm) and rather than a 90 degree crease at the elbow joint it was more like 60. I think this is limiting the power.I experimented today by putting my pinky finger just on the knurl and I seemed to be aligned better but I'm worried this is too narrow?
Middle fingers on the smooth rings for me. Get dat chest open.