***Gym Exercise Guide, and Form Discussion/Feedback***

They are a great help here, but you have to make sure that your form is good, which is non-trivial! I'm currently in the process of de-training hundreds of bad reps... my 110kg muscle clean won't be beaten for a while :( I want 140kg asap, but I'm only going to tolerate silky smooth awesomeness.
Not a bad shout, but you should be able to get it without, so it doesn't matter all that much as I don't think Deception is going to failure/maximal loading.

Im not there yet, but aslong as I know im on the right tracks, I can slowly increase the weight or would it be best practising at 120kg for the time being.
Yeah you are exactly right. I don't think you would really come to harm doing speed reps but you just don't need to so there is no point. It's great to see how much you have progressed, you can tell you are putting the graft in :).
Yeah you are exactly right. I don't think you would really come to harm doing speed reps but you just don't need to so there is no point. It's great to see how much you have progressed, you can tell you are putting the graft in :).

Thanks Dom. Now lets see how far I can get with better form now :D
Right chaps, just put up my video from friday of 6x6x127.5kg. Comments are more than welcome.

Don't know why there is no sound, it's very upsetting :(.

Like I said I had a bit of a play with some different timings of bracing and breathing, also went to full range on the last rep just for fun.
Ok, I've added some people's videos to the OP.

More submissions are welcome, but I'd rather have links to this thread so that any discussion for those videos can also take place here. There will be exceptions to this rule, but it's my preference for now.

Quotes, like Syla5 and Dom have done, are perfectly fine.
Some box squat stuff would be good. Just thought of that as I'm gonna be doing some in the garage tonight (onto a 12" box)
How about some bulgarian split squats? :p

Considering they're the basis of my leg workouts at the moment
Pro-tip: Check what's already in the list before suggesting new lifts ;)

edit: They've been there from the beginning.
Some box squat stuff would be good. Just thought of that as I'm gonna be doing some in the garage tonight (onto a 12" box)
Box squats are covered in the "So you think you can squat" series which is already linked to.

I'm just watching it again, if I think there is anything else that isn't covered then I'll address it with it's own section. I think there is a good t-nation article...
Right chaps, just put up my video from friday of 6x6x127.5kg. Comments are more than welcome.

Looking good, camera angle could be a little factor in this, but is there slight early butt raising on a couple of reps? Is this a problem if there is? as I tend to suffer a little from this as I get to the end if my working sets.

A request if possible, could we get a side vid, I found that the back shots for squats are good, but can be a little deceiving on depth.

I tend to run better squatters video's side by side with my own so i can really see where I need to work.
It is there a tad but nothing to worry about too much. It primarily stems from a weak core from not doing any big compound movements for so long, that's why I'm hammering my core at the moment. Smash things back into shape :).

I did some belt-less paused reps today which I will but up in a bit for you guys to take a look at. I've decided to do all of my light days belt-less because there is no real reason not too :).
The hips coming up is only very slight, and for Dom is mostly a motor patterning issue. If we were seeing things start to look more good morning-ish (back becomes a lot more horizontal as the hips come up) there would be cause for concern, but the degree to which it's happening is mostly the expression of hip drive.

Depth is very deceptive for Dom with that camera angle and stance too, when filming I asked him to bury the last one because I thought the others were borderline, but it turns out they weren't.
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