H1Z1 - Zombie apocalypse sandbox from SOE

Correct, which means you need a unique name for each server you go on.

Yeah I don't like that at all tbh, I like to use my name all the time so now I have to make up different versions of it if I want to go to different servers and then try to remember said name each time. They must be able to allow you to use the same name but identify you some other way so you start fresh on different servers.
Oh god the rage is strong in this thread.
If you don't want problems don't buy early access. what online game hasn't had issues on launch beta or release day.

I'm just downloading it now.
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I think the idea is that they don't want you jumping around servers and instead try and stick to one.

Right now all the EU servers are high and have queues so I can't even play, Gonna be crazy later when people get home from work.
I think the idea is that they don't want you jumping around servers and instead try and stick to one.

Right now all the EU servers are high and have queues so I can't even play, Gonna be crazy later when people get home from work.

haha yeah I tried a EU server and it gave me a 2 hour wait time :) Yeah I get the idea about server hopping but I hope they attach a system kinda like Arma where you have a guid which identifies your player which then allows you to keep your original player name all the time.

Have to wait and see, but gameplay wise it seems really good, still a little shocked how playable it really is at this stage. Early lunch and going to jump back for a couple of hours.
This is what I have always thought after watching the numerous videos and streams.

It actually looks to be pretty solid
P2W guns in crates.

Glad i skipped.

As far as I know air drops start from the farthest point on the map away for the player requesting it. So this will give most of the server time to see the drop and converge on it for a massive fight!

I don't really see it as pay to win I see it more as free guns for me when I killed the noob that paid for it ;)
Not trolling.

Just reading into reddit etc cause I actually was thinking of buying this today.

But pay2win is a nono, and tbh dumb from the dev side as there are ****load of ways to make money from microtransactions and not affect the game.

Try again witcher, ill just stick with Overpoch
Not trolling.

Just reading into reddit etc cause I actually was thinking of buying this today.

But pay2win is a nono, and tbh dumb from the dev side as there are ****load of ways to make money from microtransactions and not affect the game.

Try again witcher, ill just stick with Overpoch

Just wait till its free then sometime later in the year.

planetside 2 is no different and you can buy guns directly in that and it doesn't effect it that much at all so don't think this is a issue at all since you have to work for it still. Your getting a massive mmo zombie game for free when it does go ftp and rather that than i paid 25 quid for dayz sa etc and its in the same state its in now.
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Not trolling.

Just reading into reddit etc cause I actually was thinking of buying this today.

But pay2win is a nono, and tbh dumb from the dev side as there are ****load of ways to make money from microtransactions and not affect the game.

Try again witcher, ill just stick with Overpoch

Ahh Reddit. The cesspit where anyone with something negative to say resides.

Try the game yourself or watch it on Twitch. Or don't buy into Early Access and simply play when it does get to its F2P model. The game is barely a day old and it is getting slated left, right and centre and personally I think it is unjust. The developers are trying to do something new with the genre and make the game stand out, and I think they have achieved that very well! The crates containing guns thing should in no way be a deal breaker - the chance of anything being in the crates is completely random. It's far from pay2win.
626 this one is for you:


This is the supply drop, you can see and hear the plane miles away and it has massive green smoke and it makes a ton of zombies go towards it, not to mention other players. Was great fun just then trying to steal someones SP with zombies and players about, it will make for some EPIC battles. They also have red lights on the SP and a white flashing light when it is dropping, can spot it miles away.



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