That is just ultra impressive
What size screen do you game with? Multiple 24"s or a single 30" or something in between??
My idle temps are about the same as your load temps!!But I suppose 4.7Ghz isnt to be stiffed at for an i7
Its a bit old now tho
Loving it mateHow are you finding the system?? Enjoying the games more??
My guess is minesweeper!! Lol
Again nice rig Cam!
My guess is minesweeper!! Lol
Again nice rig Cam!
How are you finding the Raystorm? Have one sat next to me waiting to be installed at the weekend, any pointers on the installation or is it fool-proof?
Glad I made the right choice, it was one of the easier picks, better performance and cheaper than the EK HF blocks
The LED's are a nice touch too, adds a nice under-glow to it.