Halal Food - WTF?

this is why halal meat should be banned.
filthy way to kill, filthy religion. keep it all well away from me.
disgusting, vile humans.

Funnily enough same way I feel.

Anyone who wants to fly their flag of tolerance should go live in said neighbourhoods and come back post your opinion. Take halal meat and go shove it. You live in the UK now want halal go back to where you came from where you can continue to live in the dark ages stoning people to death and causing animals unnecessary suffering.
Am I really reading a thread about meat eaters who are actually bothered about how their food is slaughtered?
Oh my.
"Waiter, bring me meat but make sure the animal had a proper service and died on fluffy clouds with no pain".
Yum yum.
Funnily enough same way I feel.

Anyone who wants to fly their flag of tolerance should go live in said neighbourhoods and come back post your opinion. Take halal meat and go shove it. You live in the UK now want halal go back to where you came from where you can continue to live in the dark ages stoning people to death and causing animals unnecessary suffering.

I do actually, and I enjoy eating regularly at these places. I can't say I've witnessed any stonings either.
But why? You're killing an innocent animal for the sake of its meat. Isn't that concept inhumane in itself? How does the method of killing change anything? Personally, I don't eat a piece of steak thinking, 'this is very tasty, I'm glad it was killed humanely, nom nom nom'. Perhaps I'm just playing devils advocate. I know there are laws and regulations in place, and I presume they are based on ethical grounds, as well as quality control. But realistically why does it matter if I were to shoot an animal in the head, or electrocute it, or stab it through the heart, or slit its throat?

Is your name Dexter by any chance?


'He who bathes his hands in blood, will have to wash it away with tears'. Who wouldn't want the thing they are eating to not of had a decent life and a painless death? To want anything else is borderline psychopathic, the only things which deserve to suffer are those of which cause the suffering of others.
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Because who wants animals to suffer, the fact we are just going to eat them anyway is bad enough without treating them like **** throughout their lives and giving them an unbelievably painful death at the end of it. Animals aren't intelligent enough to realise what's going on around them and we should take advantage of that and at least give them comfortable lives and pain-free deaths, it's the least we can do when we are just going to crap them out the next day anyway. :D

As far as I'm aware, giving them better lives is supposed to improve the quality of the meat. Of course it also satisfies the general idea of treating them well. But who benefits from killing them in a more 'humane' way? The animal obviously doesn't. The butcher doesn't care. Consumers? Clearly some do, but I just don't really see why we should. The ultimate act of cruelty to an animal (or any living thing) is to kill it unnecessarily, and we're happy to accept that, so what difference does it make.
Funnily enough same way I feel.

Anyone who wants to fly their flag of tolerance should go live in said neighbourhoods and come back post your opinion. Take halal meat and go shove it. You live in the UK now want halal go back to where you came from where you can continue to live in the dark ages stoning people to death and causing animals unnecessary suffering.

Just for you as people like you make me sick to backbone really.


Am I really reading a thread about meat eaters who are actually bothered about how their food is slaughtered?
Oh my.
"Waiter, bring me meat but make sure the animal had a proper service and died on fluffy clouds with no pain".
Yum yum.

Indeed, mind boggles. Yet most of the people in here raging against Halal meat probably wouldnt do the same if they found out exactly how their meat was killed ie battery farming, bad conditions in which the animals are kept in...list goes on and on etc.

Hypocrisy for the win yo :rolleyes:
Funnily enough same way I feel.

Anyone who wants to fly their flag of tolerance should go live in said neighbourhoods and come back post your opinion. Take halal meat and go shove it. You live in the UK now want halal go back to where you came from where you can continue to live in the dark ages stoning people to death and causing animals unnecessary suffering.

Hey, I heard Chinese people like eating in Chinese restaurants, they eat all sorts of **** like chickens feet, dirty *******. What do you reckon?
Is your name Dexter by any chance?


'He who bathes his hands in blood, will have to wash it away with tears'. Who wouldn't want the thing they are eating to not of had a decent life and a painless death? To want anything else is borderline psychopathic, the only things which deserve to suffer are those of which cause the suffering of others.

So why do you have such a problem with why the animal is killed whilst completely overlooking how it's been treated for it's short life? Some animals killed in normal methods live absolutely horrific and traumatic lives.

Battery farming has been outlawed in the UK but it still happens.

As far as I'm aware, giving them better lives is supposed to improve the quality of the meat. Of course it also satisfies the general idea of treating them well. But who benefits from killing them in a more 'humane' way? The animal obviously doesn't. The butcher doesn't care. Consumers? Clearly some do, but I just don't really see why we should. The ultimate act of cruelty to an animal (or any living thing) is to kill it unnecessarily, and we're happy to accept that, so what difference does it make.

You have a pretty valid point but it's still basic human compassion. The animal clearly benefits from a comfortable life and a painless death, it hardly benefits from being stuck in a battery farm and bled to death after it's fat enough on overly processed foods. The animals wouldn't exist in the first place if it wasn't for the need to consume them, but that doesn't mean they should suffer, they are ignorant/unintelligent enough that through free range farming they have absolutely no idea whats going to happen to them and thus do not suffer. I'd rather eat a happy cow that happily walked into a barn and then it all went black (stunned + killed) then something which lived a cretinous existence only to be manhandled and pinned down, terrified, while having its throat hacked to pieces. If more people thought that way (or thought about it at all) free-range would be more commonplace.

So why do you have such a problem with why the animal is killed whilst completely overlooking how it's been treated for it's short life? Some animals killed in normal methods live absolutely horrific and traumatic lives.

Battery farming has been outlawed in the UK but it still happens.


I know, I'm lucky to live in a family which eats free-range. The topic was on Halal and the opinions given were the same, Halal meat certainly isn't housed humanely.
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Is your name Dexter by any chance?


'He who bathes his hands in blood, will have to wash it away with tears'. Who wouldn't want the thing they are eating to not of had a decent life and a painless death? To want anything else is borderline psychopathic, the only things which deserve to suffer are those of which cause the suffering of others.


Well yes, I'm not suggesting that an animal should go through any more than necessary. But by that I mean what is necessary to get the job done. I don't think it is the aim of any slaughterhouse, Halal or otherwise, to prolong the killing process. And to use your presumed definition of psychopathic, is it not psychopathic to order the premeditated and unnecessary death of an animal, for no other purpose than to consume it, when there isn't even a physiological nor biological need for humans to eat meat?
A good response, I do apologise for my somewhat insulting original reply to you. I have thought about going vegetarian for a while because 90% of meat you'll eat is inhumane, it'd just easier than hunting out the free range stuff. But the only reason Halal gets to me so much is because it's society bending itself to fit a religion, religion is cool if you want to follow it, then follow it, but when everything has to change to suit them and them alone it's wrong. I shouldn't have to be forced into doing something I wouldn't normally do to fit some fairy tail written in a book that I don't even follow. If there were businesses that dedicated to importing Islamic/Judaic Halal/Coshure meat for religious people to consume then fair play, but when it's hitting all of the big food chains and secretly being smuggled into our supermarkets without us even knowing it, it's too far, way too far.

No worries, I used the rolleye smilie first anyway. :)

At least you admit it's not really about the humane side of things, it's the religious/cultural side of things you dislike. I'm fine with that viewpoint (even though I don't agree). I don't like the when people (and there are plenty in this thread) hide behind the humane argument when in fact its them being anti-muslim.

Animals are incredibly tough mate, much more so than us and their nervous systems aren't built the same way. If somebody cut a humans throat like that we'd go into shock pretty quickly and the pain would be nullified and we'd fall unconscious not very long after, animals do not react in the same way at all, which a common misconception. They have incredibly high pain barriers which are pretty much impossible to break (which would render them unconscious) through any conventional means, hence the humane use of bolt drivers. In the video a cow is completely cut in half yet it's lungs are still bellowing air, that is how differently animals are built to us and it's something people need to realise. If a human was cut in half it'd be pretty much an instant black-out. Like some people when they break a limb go through unimaginable pain because they are naturally tough and their pain barrier is very high, but others don't feel a thing because their body has gone into shock.

We are animals. We have a an almost exact same system in our bodies. The main difference being they are bigger animals with more blood and bigger hearts. Humans can go through unimaginable trauma and continue on, depends on the situation and the person. Same with animals. Just because they have to live with more pain in the wild (we used to to) doesn't mean they feel any different.

I think the distinction people put between humans and other animals is in part a superiority trait and in part a way of reducing our realisation that we are killing other beings very similar to us to eat. Basically we have to sanitised a culture in the west, where we want/need to disassociate ourselves from where our food comes from.
Halal meat certainly isn't housed humanely.

It being Halal or not has nothing to do with the way it is kept, I don't know how you can come to that conclusion. 99% of people opposed to Halal meat don't even understand the process and normally launch into ignorant tirades because they are xenophobic morons.
I actually think buying cheap meat is as bad. Your bk, McDonalds, supermarket cheapie cuts etc are derived from animals that live a miserable existence.

I don't mind halal or kosher particularly, but I struggle with halal or kosher beef given the size of a cow as I can't see how it wouldn't suffer. So guess what? I don't eat it.

At any rate how do you think people used to slaughter animals? All very well wanting to be humane now but that's a fairly modern phenomenon in the way in which we interpret the word.

Frankly I bet so many complainants are quite happy to eat cheap ham, bacon, sausages, eggs and chicken. Or who may enjoy subway or other cheap high street fast food.

Be ethical yes, but back it up with actions. Not misguided attacks on religious slaughter methods as frankly the demand for cheap meat provides some deeply shocking processes for the animals.
As far as I'm aware, giving them better lives is supposed to improve the quality of the meat. Of course it also satisfies the general idea of treating them well. But who benefits from killing them in a more 'humane' way? The animal obviously doesn't. The butcher doesn't care. Consumers? Clearly some do, but I just don't really see why we should. The ultimate act of cruelty to an animal (or any living thing) is to kill it unnecessarily, and we're happy to accept that, so what difference does it make.

I agree, killing something unnecessarily is just not on, however we don't generally kill farmed animals unnecessarily, they are killed so we can eat meat. A perfectly natural thing for omnivores to do. What annoys/saddens me is when meat is wasted (all those burgers thrown out recently) or animals are killed, just in case (such as foot and mouth).

Well yes, I'm not suggesting that an animal should go through any more than necessary. But by that I mean what is necessary to get the job done. I don't think it is the aim of any slaughterhouse, Halal or otherwise, to prolong the killing process.

I know, but it's wrong that it happens. In a perfect world the value of meat would be higher and the animals would have a better existence due to not having to cut costs completely which leads to inhumane treatment. The reason meat is so cheap is because it can be mass slaughtered and distributed, free-range costs a bomb and in my opinion it should be the only available option.

And to use your presumed definition of psychopathic, is it not psychopathic to order the premeditated and unnecessary death of an animal, for no other purpose than to consume it, when there isn't even a physiological nor biological need for humans to eat meat?

I agree completely on that one, but there is a need for us as a species to be ignorant of stuff like that, don't break the Matrix dude. :p

The fact it gives no real benefits to us with the exception of luxury is a big factor as to why it should all be free range (and more expensive as a result). Meat is way too cheap and that effects the way they are killed. Meat should be a luxury not a necessity and it's society having a sense of entitlement on the issue which has caused the suffering of battery farming etc.

As for Halal, religion has caused enough suffering to humans themselves over the past 5000+ years, from the Aztecs and their sacrifices, to the Crusades, all the way to modern day terrorism and religious zealots. Religion is nothing more than a method of control and the fact it's now causing animals to suffer is just unnecessary.

No worries, I used the rolleye smilie first anyway. :)

At least you admit it's not really about the humane side of things, it's the religious/cultural side of things you dislike. I'm fine with that viewpoint (even though I don't agree). I don't like the when people (and there are plenty in this thread) hide behind the humane argument when in fact its them being anti-muslim.

I'm not anti-Muslim per se though, if people want to do things with their lives that is their business, I oppose religion but I would never actually oppress it given a chance. I'm just sick to the stomach of everything being so different for everyone just to babysit those of different beliefs.

We are animals. We have a an almost exact same system in our bodies. The main difference being they are bigger animals with more blood and bigger hearts. Humans can go through unimaginable trauma and continue on, depends on the situation and the person. Same with animals. Just because they have to live with more pain in the wild (we used to to) doesn't mean they feel any different.

I think the distinction people put between humans and other animals is in part a superiority trait and in part a way of reducing our realisation that we are killing other beings very similar to us to eat. Basically we have to sanitised a culture in the west, where we want/need to disassociate ourselves from where our food comes from.

Well that's exactly what I said, it was misinterpreted that I thought they were different on a biological level, when in reality we are just gigantic wussies on average compared to large animals which leads to them suffering things most of us wouldn't, which I've covered several times before now. :p
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You have a pretty valid point but it's still basic human compassion. The animal clearly benefits from a comfortable life and a painless death, it hardly benefits from being stuck in a battery farm and bled to death after it's fat enough on overly processed foods. The animals wouldn't exist in the first place if it wasn't for the need to consume them, but that doesn't mean they should suffer, they are ignorant/unintelligent enough that through free range farming they have absolutely no idea whats going to happen to them and thus do not suffer. I'd rather eat a happy cow that happily walked into a barn and then it all went black (stunned + killed) then something which lived a cretinous existence only to be manhandled and pinned down, terrified, while having its throat hacked to pieces. If more people thought that way (or thought about it at all) free-range would be more commonplace.

I know, I'm lucky to live in a family which eats free-range. The topic was on Halal and the opinions given were the same, Halal meat certainly isn't housed humanely.

That's not far off standard practice, except you'll have the cows/pigs forced into a building in their hundreds, screaming and terrified before they see the animal in front collapse on the floor and get hung up, only for it to be their turn next...
That's not far off standard practice, except you'll have the cows/pigs forced into a building in their hundreds, screaming and terrified before they see the animal in front collapse on the floor and get hung up, only for it to be their turn next...

All in the name of cheap meat, which I disagree with.

The fact it gives no real benefits to us with the exception of luxury is a big factor as to why it should all be free range (and more expensive as a result). Meat is way too cheap and that effects the way they are killed. Meat should be a luxury not a necessity and it's society having a sense of entitlement on the issue which has caused the suffering of battery farming etc.


Halal causing such an outrage isn't just down to the fact that it's common practice though, it's down to the fact that it's added, unnecessary suffering on top of what already exists for nothing more than religious farts in the wind.
I don't care if its a humane killing or not, i don't want to eat any food that's been ritually slaughtered.
I prefer my meat as it is not blessed by some religious nutter and that goes for all religions.
Indeed, mind boggles. Yet most of the people in here raging against Halal meat probably wouldnt do the same if they found out exactly how their meat was killed ie battery farming, bad conditions in which the animals are kept in...list goes on and on etc.

Hypocrisy for the win yo :rolleyes:

It is indeed hypocritical to the max, probably an element of xenophobia in there. I think the way we treat animals is awful, both Halal and at battery farms, how ever they operate in a void by and large and in our capitalist society are the only options easily available to the common person.
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