***Han Solo movie***

The movie was pretty good, as I said earlier i had absolutely no expectations but yeah it was decent. I don't think it was as good as Rogue One, and hard to compare to The Last Jedi because I was so hyped up for that and then slightly let down in the end.

I didn't like the Robot Lives Matter activist robot at all though, such an annoying character.
Gona see it this weekend hopefully, it's got to be better than tlj or the fa as they are really bad starwars films heck the prequels 1-3 are better than 7 and 8. Rogue 1 was the best of the new SW films. So hoping this is good.
Pretty good, I thought.
Fairly well cast for the most part. Big name actors obviously have certain signatures in their performances, but still toned down enough to avoid spoiling the film.
It had enough of the Star Warsy vibe that other films have lacked, and a rather reasonable story.
Some good lore references without them being waved in your face, while others that were unavoidably prominent weren't milked either.
Robot Lives Matter initially seems stupid, but was also quite a good parody of C3PO's more conservative bitching about the same thing.

Yeah, definitely worth a watch!
I saw this last night, I thought it was great. Far better than I was expecting. Better than TFA and TLJ, not quite as good as Rogue one. The robot I found funny, anyone upset at that is forgetting that Star Wars is ultimately for kids.
Sat ready in the 9pm showing in Hull. 8 people in here!!!!

Genuinely shocked.
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Personally thought it was brilliant. More than makes up for the last Jedi garbage. Definitely a step in the right direction. Walked in with no expectation and walked out with a smile!
I've just seen it and I really enjoyed it, it was a very fun and entertaining film. There were maybe a few references and nods to the future of some characters that were a bit on the nose, but overall great fun.
Really enjoyed it. A couple of setpieces and scenes looked amazing. There's one scene that will be my desktop background.
I enjoyed the movie.
I can't help but feel we need a second Han Solo movie. Just because of the ending, and the disparity of character between Alden Ahrenreich "Solo" and the Harrison Ford "Solo" we all know and love from the original trilogy.

That been said Alden done an admiral job of forging his own Han. I did enjoy the beginning and development of Han + Chewy's friendship, makes me love and respect that duo even more.
And loved the camo at the end. :D

But I strongly feel, that Rogue One is still the best Disney SW movie. But I am curious with what Rain Johnson does with his SW trilogy...
The Last Jedi was terrible, no incentive at all to watch any new Star Wars films.

Maybe when it's on Netflix.

You'll be signing up to Disney's own streaming service then. They're pulling all of their content from Netflix sometime in the future.
It was ok, the train scene was good. Hated that droid, just why! Can’t stand all the stupid manoeuvres the falcon does and the way they crash it to get out of situations.
I can't help but feel we need a second Han Solo movie. Just because of the ending, and the disparity of character between Alden Ahrenreich "Solo" and the Harrison Ford "Solo" we all know and love from the original trilogy.

Einreicheinfuhrer already spilled the beans - he's signed on for three movies...
Saw it last night at 7pm. Honestly there must have been no more than 20 people in the cinema. Screen 1 too.

It was ok. Felt quite cheap imo, almost like a TV movie, totally lacking in spectacle I felt. I really didn't have any empathy for any of the characters and didn't care if anyone died.

Liked the cameo at the end but a bit confused by the timelines??

Rogue One deffo the best of the new bunch still, and sadly, for me, this is the worst of all the SW movies.
Watched this morning and if it wasn't for the Star Wars characters names you could be mistaken for this being a completely different film set in a different universe.

Didn't have high hopes going in and it paid off.
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