***Han Solo movie***

The reviewer said everything I needed: we never asked for Han Solo origin story, we got one anyway and we have to deal with it, but it doesn't break the known universe. That's actually a good thing. Even if the movie doesn't really have a reason to exist in the first place - we reached the stage where anything with that budget reviewed as "it doesn't break or punch plot holes in original trilogy" means possibly watchable extended universe-like adventure film. Pfft.. but then it doesn't take much to beat the "running out of fuel while being tracked through hyperspace kamikaze lady saves Poppins Leia" last-Xmas golden floater.
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I think it was recoverable after TFA, but barely anything good left after TLJ. The only hope is that one of the new trilogies is set in the Old Republic and that they don't mess that up too.

Almost exactly my thoughts too. Didn't think TFA was a bad movie at all, just the story took the new trilogy in directions I didn't like. Wiping out the New Republic (which seems to have only existed in one system, with their entire fleet) just basically hit a massive reset button to but things in exactly the same spot as A New Hope.
Seems to be a problem with these new movies (from multiple genres) where they are supposedly continuing the story but really, it feels more like a clumsy remake. Star Trek & Superman Returns were kinda the same.
Booked to watch Saturday morning, doing a standard 2d showing so it doesn't cost anything as I don't have high hopes for this.
The reviewer said everything I needed: we never asked for Han Solo origin story, we got one anyway and we have to deal with it, but it doesn't break the known universe.
Must have been back in the 80s, I was in a hospital waiting room and found they had a Star Wars paperback. Some kind of Han Solo backstory EU thing. From what I recall, it was quite good and I remember being annoyed when the doctor called us in, as I never got to finish it.
This film sounds like it draws from that novel, so I'm quite interested.
Pretty ok.
Better than last jedi
Not as good as rogue one.

It's alright tho, some annoyances.
Lots of Easter egg nod stuff for proper fans.
Tiny bit sjw

Edit, I take it back it's as good as rogue one. In a different way.
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Trust me I'm glad it wasn't a total facepalm fest.

Is that where we are as a fanbase now? It's a not a bad film if it isn't the total **** up that TLJ was? Looks like Disney has really lowered our expectations, but I'm not prepared to reward the Disney-borged Lucasfilm movies with my money until they do a lot better. TLJ broke my trust, and a so-so Solo film isn't enough to get it back.
I enjoyed it.

Please, can we have a star wars film based on something we haven't seen or heard before. Similar to how KOTOR broke away from the regular games.
I really rather enjoyed it, its never going to win any prizes for best film or anything but its a hell of a lot of fun, its well acted and its brings a new little slice of background to how some of the relationships in the other films began. If I was asked I'd give it a 7.5/10 not as good as Rogue One but a very very enjoyable watch and something I'd be more than happy to see again.

And having re-watched the Last Jedi a couple of times in the last few weeks, I have absolutely no issue with where the films are going at the moment and am looking forward to both the spin off series that are coming and the culmination of the Rey/Finn/Kylo arcs.
Well I didn't bother with TLJ at the cinema and I'm pretty glad about that having seen it now. It was a poor film if purely judged as a star wars film. I hated what they did with the characters and what they turned the force into.

I shall be avoiding this one like the plague too. Disney is getting no more money from me.
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