***Han Solo movie***

I think Disney are over milking the star wars thing now :(

I thought the force awakens was nothing more than a vacuous reboot. Rogue one was actually quite good and by far the best star wars film after the original trilogy.

But this solo film smacks of milking the cash cow just one time too many.

Hope I'm wrong obviously.
Upon rewatches I’d say it was definitely worse than TFA. Have only seen the TLJ once so can’t say about that (although that was my favourite from an initial viewing).

With RO you already know how the main plot concludes so there is automatically no suspense or threat whatsoever. Most of the characters were utterly forgettable save for the conflicted lead male and the robot (the latter of which was ace). It was fun in the cinema but I was bored on a rewatch. Same as TFA, actually, although that felt way more polished.

Really interested to see how TLJ holds up.
I had zero hope for this when it was announced, then I had some slight interest when casting/directors were announced, but I was back to zero hope when Lord and Miller were sacked.

The last Jedi has zero impact on this movie.
At the least hopefully it'll be visually impressive in places. Wonder when the proper trailer will drop.
I like the idea of seeing things from the other side, The "Come join us see the universe and make a difference" part of the Empire.
I'm assuming Han wasn't ever seriously considering that, it's no doubt part of some scheme or heist to sign up.

I know they dumped most of the old non film Canon stuff but I remember originally he was in the Imperial Navy for a while so maybe they are going to have him actually join the Empire for a bit and that's where he learns to Pilot.
I think the "see the universe" side of the empire could be really good

also good way to see lots of wider universe stuff (away from the rebellion/civil war)

pretty meh about it all though until I see more

*if its 90 mins of "how han got his trousers" I reserve the right to faceplam
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