Problem with Han Solo is that, like Indiana Jones, he's Harrison Ford. Han Solo isn't a deep character, he's one dimensional, he has zero room for growth. We've had four movies with him and the only movie where he's slightly different (old daddy Han in TFA) felt awkward, but at least he served a purpose.
Disney just keep proving over and over that they're greedy cash grabbing obsessives that would literally grind any property they own down to the finest powder to get every last drop of blood they can from it, despite violating whatever integrity the property once had. They don't see the art, depth, importance of retaining value in a property. It's all out or nothing.
Nobody asked for this movie, its existence is entirely based on: "We want money... I know, the idiots all love Han Solo so we'll do a Solo movie. That should get us another billion $$ while we pull Episode IX out of our ***."
If its not Harrison Ford, it doesn't work. As has already been said, they should have gone with Anthony Ingruber who can genuinely pull him off and actually has a likeable screen presence.