***Han Solo movie***

You worked that out from a 90 second teaser with barely any dialogue?

I would argue that it’s really important for us to get the feel of Han Solo in the teaser considering the whole movie is about him.

I felt nothing of Han from everything I’ve seen so far.

Anthony Ingruber looks like he would have been perfect.
I'm getting a Rogue One feel for this from the trailer. I think it's down to the look of the film, because it looks like they've filmed it in a similar style. Hopefully it will be good, as I think Ron Howard is a very capable director, so I think it's in safer hands than had been before. I wouldn't have chosen him, but Disney needed someone with some decent Directing experience to get job done in the time frame they wanted, not also forgetting that Howard and Lucas are friends, which probably played a part in landing him the film.

My expectations are that the film will be OK, but not great. I don't think it will be as bad as would have been had it continued under the previous director.
Problem with Han Solo is that, like Indiana Jones, he's Harrison Ford. Han Solo isn't a deep character, he's one dimensional, he has zero room for growth. We've had four movies with him and the only movie where he's slightly different (old daddy Han in TFA) felt awkward, but at least he served a purpose.

Disney just keep proving over and over that they're greedy cash grabbing obsessives that would literally grind any property they own down to the finest powder to get every last drop of blood they can from it, despite violating whatever integrity the property once had. They don't see the art, depth, importance of retaining value in a property. It's all out or nothing.

Nobody asked for this movie, its existence is entirely based on: "We want money... I know, the idiots all love Han Solo so we'll do a Solo movie. That should get us another billion $$ while we pull Episode IX out of our ***."

If its not Harrison Ford, it doesn't work. As has already been said, they should have gone with Anthony Ingruber who can genuinely pull him off and actually has a likeable screen presence.
Not too fussed on this . will wait for the dvd i think. I would prefer a completely different character or story set in the star wars universe.
I thought everyone loved Han (lovable rogue, rapscallion etc...)? Surely a background as a smuggler and a gambler, plus the Chewbacca connection (given the films are exactly littered with Wookies) is ripe for storytelling?

I never really cared about Han as a character, found him quite annoying in the original trilogy as well if I'm honest. I'm not fussed at all about this, I'll no doubt watch it as I love Star Wars, but I certainly won't go out my way or get excited.

I'd much rather see an Obi Wan film or even a Boba Fett film over this. But if I'm completely honest, I'm not that bothered about films based on a single characters past*, I'd much rather more films like Rogue One where it fills in a story gap between two films.

* Except maybe a really dark Darth Vader film carrying on after the end of Episode 3, where he's at his most angry and bitter and just wreaks havoc :D
All I wanted them to do was make new movies based in the rules of the Star Wars universe, something videogame developers and extended universe writers had zero problems doing since RotJ came out. It's not hard, it's actually really fun but for some reason Disney seem incapable of delivering it.
Totally agree about Ingruber, I think he would have been able to pull it off after seeing his performance In Age of Adeline. Pretty sure he has the acting chops to back up the uncanny similar looks, I’d also take a poorly acted performance with uncanny similar looks to neither! Missed opportunity...
Found out where they should have gone with the casting:

Ace Solo/Han Ventura
Well, I'm hoping we see the real Han, you know the one that shoots first, smuggles narcotics/slaves or whatever.

I hope :(

With Kennedy running the show we can probably whistle for a good 'scoundrel' movie, instead it will probably be a feminists wet dream with Solo being saved or having his ass handed to him by a bunch of girls :/
I'm thinking being Disney and keeping with their current trends of making films for feminists and minority groups ahead of decent scripting, the story will go something like this -

Han will actually start off as a woman called Hanna who will take the smuggling world by storm and be quite successful at the expense of the stupid impulsive men whom she constantly schemes against and is always one step ahead of. She will then decide she is actually transgender for the rest of the film but will wrestle with the dilemma of whether to hide it or not until the last 10 minutes when she will decide she wants to be a man because it is much easier to compete in a male dominated galaxy as a man than any other sex.
I'm thinking being Disney and keeping with their current trends of making films for feminists and minority groups ahead of decent scripting, the story will go something like this -

Han will actually start off as a woman called Hanna who will take the smuggling world by storm and be quite successful at the expense of the stupid impulsive men whom she constantly schemes against and is always one step ahead of. She will then decide she is actually transgender for the rest of the film but will wrestle with the dilemma of whether to hide it or not until the last 10 minutes when she will decide she wants to be a man because it is much easier to compete in a male dominated galaxy as a man than any other sex.

This durge is very boring.

Criticise the movie based on what you've seen so far, not on your own prejudice.

Not being funny but so far the writers and directors or post-Lucas Star Wars movies are:

JJ Abrams
Gareth Edwards
Rian Johnson
Chris Miller/Phil Lord -> Ron Howard
Jon Favreu (announced)

Now that doesn't exactly support your view that it's turned in to a feminist wet dream does it? Otherwise where are the female writers and directors?
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