Hard Drive Pricing going up at an alarming rate!!!!

Hi there

OK another warning as of next week you can expect the following prices:-

500GB - £70-£90
1TB - £90-£130
2TB - £120-£200

Pricing is going crazy, if anyone is still obviously cheap buy it, because the pricing is going bonkers. :( :eek:

Thats insane! :(
Prices looking to increase by another 30% or more within the next week or so! This is looking to be one of the worst shortages of recent years :(
Yeah this is beyond a joke now, I feel sorry for people wanting to build a new system at the moment, but anyone that has 1tb+ of storage space already won't have to spend any money on these as if they are running out of space they will just have to get burning!!
If anything this is good news, it makes people think, "do i really need to keep this now that i've seen/listened to it?" Stop hoarding stuff, internet is so fast now you can get it again in a few minutes or less than an hour for some, so just watch/delete.
Oh and yeah, invest in a 120GB ssd don't spend silly money on a 1-2tb hdd.
So glad I've got a 500GB, 2TB USB 2.0 & 2TB USB 3.0 external hard drives. Hopefully I don't run out of space too soon! As long as external drives stay at a good price I'll be happy.
Managed to get 4 x 2TB WD20EARX drives earlier for £72.99 each delivered. Broke my heart to spend that much but I need at least 2TB more at the moment and the other 3 were for future-proofing.

Looking at all the concern about storage space I must be a complete miser when it comes to shelling out on hard drives :D I just have an 80gb Containing the os & a 250gb one split into partitions for storage.

If I get stuck for space I go on a data cull :D
I'm buying Samsung shares...!

I was waiting for 3tb drives to drop under a ton, oh well I can cope for a year just delete some crap :)

I bought a 3TB external drive for under £100 delivered at the weekend after reading this thread, if you hunt around you may still find some good deals.

Also a general point for most people running low on space this may be a good incentive to clean things up a bit and/or start using some of your old drives e.g. IDE ones :) I've got plenty that aren't in my main PC... couple of 160GB drives, a 250GB etc, if push comes to shove maybe setup an old pc for storage. Heck even laptops are likely to have a fair bit of space, enough to tide you over until prices drop.

If you absolutely have to buy more storage, maybe now might be a good time to jump on the SSD bandwagon.

edit: One final point - I don't think prices are as "crazy" as people making out yet - £100 for a 2TB is still decent value in my book, it only seems expensive because of price drops in recent times. I've spent around that on plenty of drives over the years, we've just been spoiled of late with cheap storage.
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