Hard Drive Pricing going up at an alarming rate!!!!

I picked up 4 x 2TB seagate externals from are goose the other day to rip apart for the drives to go in my HP micro server build :D

£79.99 each.

bought in 2x2s so got £20 of vouchers and 4 x 4gb sandisk usb's :D :D

Suggests a good investment to me ;) I don't think we'll see WD falling this far behind though. If they move operations surely they'll do it gradually and just take greater precautions at their current site? They couldn't afford to lose production for that long, and if they were going to move we'd have seen signs of it by now?
i have seen a lot of people buying hard drives lately, both in this thread and the MM, surely, if you know the prices are high - why buy now? is it just coincidence that you needed storage urgently?

ive got 2x 2tb that i got a year ago and im going to try and cut down on what ive got on there so that i dont need to buy storage at these inflated prices :)
i have seen a lot of people buying hard drives lately, both in this thread and the MM, surely, if you know the prices are high - why buy now? is it just coincidence that you needed storage urgently?

ive got 2x 2tb that i got a year ago and im going to try and cut down on what ive got on there so that i dont need to buy storage at these inflated prices :)

It was so cheap I think people were just quietly buying it and not maybe then selling it on as it had quite low value, also people are always storing more, but discussing the price of 2tb hard drives was not the most interesting topic. Also most drives nowadays perform about the same.. Everyone NEEDS a hard drive really though, even with an SSD, so it affects everyone.

Also the price rises may have focused people minds who were waiting for the prices to keep dropping for their next purchase and they are now caught on the hop.
With these latest prices I'm tempted to sell one of my my 1TB Samsung Spinpoint F3s to buy a 64GB (or even 128GB at the rate prices are increases) Crucial M4!!

A person would have to be mad to buy a 2nd hand F3 1TB for anywhere near the price of a Crucial M4.

But then again, there are a lot of mad people out there. Good Luck. ;)
A person would have to be mad to buy a 2nd hand F3 1TB for anywhere near the price of a Crucial M4.

But then again, there are a lot of mad people out there. Good Luck. ;)

Well... if they just need plenty of storage and not speed... then just maybe!;)

Thinking about it more though... I don't have anything to backup all my steam games and other goodness D=
Plus I'm quite content with the RAID 0 performance of these babies :cool:
Well time to move to SSD when I buy my new rig... then like other say, get a HDD when things get back to norm

A great time to get an SSD. I've got a 1TB F3 in a spare machine which I may just sell and get a small SSD. Seems silly not to doesn't it. They seem to be fetching £60+ on the auction site at the moment.

Just had a look at the prices again, and wow.... £72 for a 160GB lol.
Glad I got my 2 x 2TB F4s for £96 just before this happened.

Wow was a cracking price for a pair of F4's. I think I paid about £53 for one a while back.
Well the way things are looks like im going to have to wait for my new rig, or reuse a Seagte 500Gb from my old rig. Till they drop enough not pay even £80 for a 500Gb one. When they said HDD prices went up I throught only by about max £30 till I finally looked again and almost fainted @_@
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