Hard Drive Pricing going up at an alarming rate!!!!

Gibbo, did you guys get any news on the 2700K? Any chance to tell us if the prices because of the launch will stay the same or go down?

Hi there

2700k does not replace 2600k.

2700k is a speed bump and approx £20ish more. :)
I dont need to know it lol
just if intel wants to put it up there for more than 2600K and keep the current pricing or replace 2600K with the new top model at the 2600K price tag making it a bit more wallet friendly ;)

You have your answer.

The 2600K isn't going down in price :p
I'll just wait till I actually need a HDD then buy it for what it costs. No point in buying one now and artificially creating hysteria and increasing prices for people who actually need one!

Plus SSD for the win anyway, so will probably spend more and get a beefy SSD.
Thing is with Z68 and caching - if that approach becomes common its the perfect compromise... So demand for HD's will remain strong (IMO) + remember HD's are integral to set top boxes etc etc now, its not just PC's.
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All that time I've been keeping a big hoard of large disks in my draw telling myself to ebay them already... and cursing myself that I was losing money every day as storage costs plummeted.

Expect to see some interesting listings on the members market, there are sure to be some people selling off their disks to get in on the gold rush.
Expect to see some interesting listings on the members market, there are sure to be some people selling off their disks to get in on the gold rush.

Maybe, although given profiteering isn't allowed on the MM I'm sure there'll be a lot of people checking what the sellers paid for the drives.
Maybe, although given profiteering isn't allowed on the MM I'm sure there'll be a lot of people checking what the sellers paid for the drives.

How does that work if the item has doubled in price in the 2 weeks you bought it?? Not strictly profiteering just selling at the going rate (less a bit obviously) I would have thought .
How does that work if the item has doubled in price in the 2 weeks you bought it?? Not strictly profiteering just selling at the going rate (less a bit obviously) I would have thought .

It depends.

If you were to sell one HDD, there shouldn't be any problems, even if in reality you are making a hefty profit on it.

On the other hand if you are to buy dozens of hard drives and flog them on Member's Market at an overinflated price in hope of getting rich, I doubt you will be allowed to use the MM again.
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