Hard Drive Pricing going up at an alarming rate!!!!

Glad I bought my 6GB for £200 15 years ago! Oh wait...
I have a 9.8 GB Micropolis Tomahawk on my desk as a paperweight... originally sold in the late nineties for around £1500 IIRC. It still works, but it's absolutely the noisiest drive I've ever heard; when it's powered on it sounds like a jet engine spooling up. :D
Wow hadn't realised internal storage had dropped so cheap, to be fair mechanical storage has been well underpriced for a while, traditionally you were talking around a ton for a 'large' drive (relative to the time of purchase), now 2TB is still well under that. If prices are only going to be problematic until March that's not too bad, a far cry from the RAM fiascos we've seen in years gone by.

As for people saying this is going to stop them building a new PC, I'd say if an extra £20 or whatever is going to block you from building then there's an argument to suggest maybe it was an extravagance in the first place :)
How does that work if the item has doubled in price in the 2 weeks you bought it?? Not strictly profiteering just selling at the going rate (less a bit obviously) I would have thought .

Indeed some people may have grabbed a bargain and then cash in. Q6600 is a good example, they were priced as low as £110 not long after launch and then the price crept up to around £150 even months later so people could sell secondhand ones for a small profit. I don't see anything wrong with that, if you are smart enough to spot a good value piece of kit that subsequently rises in value then good luck to you.
well, thats a relief. was looking at upgrading to 2tb more storage at christmas but but the bullet early and got 2 1tb F1s on the MM for £60 :) though hopefully used drive prices will stay the same :|
Bad bad news.... I've been edging on buying more storage for ages.

Looks like I've missed the boat. Really wanted to pull together a large storage HTPC later this year as well!
I got a 2tb for my HTPC a while back, was hoping to get another, will just have to re assess whats needed and backup onto an older 1 tb drive
littlepuppy said:
When cheap labour backfires on them. :D

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