Is this something which you should really go to the doctors for?
I ask because I seem to have a cold all year round. It becomes more noticeable when the sun is out and it starts warming up.
I did once go to the doctors years ago about having a bad cold, it was summer at the time and my eyes would always be watering and my nose streaming. I explained what it was like to the doctor who said it could be hayfever, he gave me something to take (don't remember what) but eventually I stopped taking it as I didn't feel it was needed and that I wasn't sure I had hayfever. This was due to not having any tests done at the doctors to confirm it.
But now I can't seem to get rid of a cold, I can be fine some days and then some days my nose will be runny. It isn't that I'm always sneezing although sometimes it does go like that, currently my nose just runs.
Does it sound like I could actually have hayfever? I'm heading to Sainsbury's later, so might see if they have anything.