Hazro - Any Update?

I'm waiting on the firmare update but I'm almost certian that I'll be getting this monitor.

One thing that would seal the deal is if OcUK offered a dead pixel check for something liek £20 and I would jump credit card a-blazing.
Same Q as Sid - how would the firmware get flashed?

This monitor supports DDC/CI.
I assume that the firmware will be flashed via these DDC/CI data lines within the VGA and DVI ports.
I also assume it will involve running a small utilty on your pc that will transfer the required data via the DDC/CI to the monitor.

None of this is confirmed, just an educated guess on my behalf....but we`ll just have to wait and see. Shouldn`t be long now :)
One thing that would seal the deal is if OcUK offered a dead pixel check for something liek £20 and I would jump credit card a-blazing.

I'd go for that, heck I'd order it tomorrow if they did!

How does the Hazro handle scaling? I'll be using a mix of 1680 * 1050 and 1920 * 1200 depending on the game and how hard my GPU has to work, so does it scale up with no issues or overscan or should I let my GPU do the scaling? How about other inputs e.g. Wii at 480p over component?

Also I read in tftcentral's review that it has very bad black levels and contrast compared to other IPS screens, any complaints? Anyone watched a movie with a lot of dark colours on it?
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One thing that would seal the deal is if OcUK offered a dead pixel check for something liek £20 and I would jump credit card a-blazing.

Thats never gonna happen as it means anyone that doesnt PAY to get a check will definatly get dead/stuck/buggered pixels!
it's madness buying a monitor this expensive with known problems, at least wait to see if the firmware update fixes the problems
can always return it buyt that's just a hassle surely
Ye should be fine in the end, havent kicked up a fuss about it or anything, will just ring tomorrow. Was just hoping to have it all up and running by the weekend :P

Knowing my luck my black hazro will be full of dead pixels :P
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I have had a response from Hazro regarding the banding issues:

"Dear Customer,

This notification is intended for Hazro customers affected
by any of the problems outlined below. If any of the issues do not affect your monitor, please discard this message and announcement.


- Banding on gradient backgrounds and images.
- Random pixelation i.e. 'sparking' of pixels.


- Banding is caused due to improper configuration of the
scaler engine used on the AD Board Controller.

- Sparking of pixels is caused due to interference between
I/O connector board and main controller board.


- Hazro have developed a firmware fix which reconfigures the
scalers gradation values at set resolutions. Hazro are
looking into 'packaging' the firmware to allow customers to
carry out the fix themselves [i.e. in the form of a software

- Further shielding of the harness cable linking the I/O
connector board and the Controller board totally eliminates
all sparking issues.



- Should a software 'self installable' firmware upgrade not
be possible, the product will warrant an RMA where Hazro
engineers will upgrade each monitor individually. Hazro will
inform all customers of the outcome of this [i.e. whether it can be done by Hazro or the user] on or by:


- The product is to be returned to Hazro for RMA. Shielding
requires the monitor to be opened and only Hazro engineers
are permitted to do so.


As above; however, the firmware will be ready one week AFTER the completion of the firmware fix for the 24" HZ24Wi. If the firmware is not user installable i.e. we are unable to 'package' the firmware into a .exe or .dmg file, the same RMA process applies as stated above.

* If a customer has reported BOTH of the above issues on the SAME monitor, the monitor must be returned for RMA only AFTER:



The above issues affect only a handful of monitors. Hazro
will strictly enforce the Warranty Policy which can be found
in all instruction manuals and also on-line at:


Please refer to the 'Miscellaneous Issues' section and point
3 in particular."
Just got hold of one a few days back and thought i'd share my views and thoughts...

I've done all the tests and don't have any issues with banding. I even created my own gradients in PS and still nothing! Maybe some of you guys are looking for a problem!

By the way....anybody have any pics of the 24" in silver? I would like to compare and see whether I made the right colour choice (My one is black and will be hard to beat).
Well looks like my monitor will be going back to Hazro then, as I get the green sparks :/

They better fix mine and send it back, wont be happy if I another monitor that has dead pixels, as at the moment, mine has none!
I've mentioned in my mailer to them not to change my pane and only fix the issues as it also has no pixels that are of the dead kind or any bleeding backlight!
Well looks like my monitor will be going back to Hazro then, as I get the green sparks :/

They better fix mine and send it back, wont be happy if I another monitor that has dead pixels, as at the moment, mine has none!

Out of interest, under what circumstances do you get the sparks? All the time or on certain images?
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