Hazro - Any Update?

I think I'll be sending them an email and asking that they send me a new stand.

You'll probably need to send it back, I can attest first hand that it's almost impossible to get the stand back on after taking it off (well, it was on the 24W (not i)), apparently they have a special jig at Hazro to fit them.
You'll probably need to send it back, I can attest first hand that it's almost impossible to get the stand back on after taking it off (well, it was on the 24W (not i)), apparently they have a special jig at Hazro to fit them.

Well I'll probably be leaving it then, can't be bothered sending it back again.

I'll just have to make sure the screen is always against a wall! :( It ain't major damage, just annoying that it's happened at all really.
Considering the speed and response of identifying and fixing the problem (although not all), Hazro are very pro-active. I gave up waiting on the Dell months ago...
I have issues on my BFG 9800GTX.

Going to try the screen with the drivers I was on when I sent the screen back (177) tonight, then install the latest drivers (179) and see if that gets rid of the snow :)

Im using 177.92 with my BFG 8800GTX, I dont think its driver related but you can try.
I do use rivatuner 2.10 to O/C the card but I cant see that making a difference either.
The same that the ended up on doing on the 24's banding firmware and a turning down the back light if you ask for it.

They have done the back light for the 24" on every ones.

I haven`t achelly went LCD yet and ive currently been using a 22" CRT for some time. I would have went for the 24" Hazro model but read on forums that a 24 inch LCD isn`t much bigger than the 22" CRT im using, and I was hoping for a much larger screen, so The 26" model is the one i'm interested in. I will be using the screen manly for gaming and HD DVD/Normal DVD movie viewing.

Which screen would you recommend for what i`ll be using it for, Hazro 24" or 26"?

Thanks for response.
Oh (sorry to spam!) has anyone got any comments on the 92% "wide gamut" of the 26" version?

I've heard wide-gamut monitor colours appear oversaturated/unnatural when used with "normal" images....is that true with the HZ26Wi or does it have kick ass colours? :)
Anyone got a 30" version and what do they think of it?

Trawled the thread but couldn't see any pics of one.


One of my friend bought one. Very nice and beautiful image. However he has no button for the contrast or whatever, obliged to leave everything by default.

But he is happy with it.
Does the 24i packaging have a handle on it? I'm getting mine delivered to my work on Monday and I'll think that I'll have to get a taxi home if it'll be awkward to handle it on public transport.
Here's my experience with Hazro and OCUK as of now:

A couple of months ago, I ordered a Hazro 24"Wi in Black with an ATI 4870 to go with it. When I got the stuff the graphics card was DOA and the monitor was in silver as opposed to black ;<

I had to send both back to OCUK and they took a couple of weeks to process a monitor in the wrong colour (lol), I couldn't wait any longer as was off to university so cancelled that order and ordered new stuff which arrived the next day (my refund still hasn't come through as the credit card I ordered it with was cancelled so having trouble getting barclays to find where the money's gone!).

Couple of weeks in and was liking the screen, didn't really notice any banding (didn't exactly look, it was there in those tests) and I had solved the SGP issue by changing DVI slot on my graphics card (it still does it in the PS3 menu but I haven't noticed it in-game). Then, as I was browsing sky sports, the power adapter broke (probably didn't like me looking at the Arsenal news, I don't blame it) so the monitor stopped working. I had no access to the internet as I had no monitor, so I phoned OCUK who told me to contact Hazro by email (lol). I had to get my dad to email Hazro on my behalf, they phoned him back within a couple of hours and my dad got them to phone me.

Some legend of a guy at Hazro sorted everything out and came out the next day (I'm a 5 minute drive from their HQ and had offered to take the power adapter to them and pick up a new one) with a replacement power adapter and flashed the firmware while he was here. I think all the banding's gone but as people already know it doesn't fix the SGP issue. He seemed to know a huge amount about what was going on, was quite chatty and very helpful.

I'm now back up and running and very happy (I was happy before even with the banding tbh, I'm pretty laid back + new what I was getting myself in for before I ordered).

If anyone thinks their luck is bad, try receiving a monitor in the wrong colour and a gfx card DOA, ordering new replacements after over 2 weeks with the refund not coming through because of fraud on credit cards, and a power adapter (with something like 0.4% failure rate) breaking within 2 weeks of using the screen.

OCUK has been very helpful, but a bit slow regarding RMAs and Hazro have been fantastic.

Hope this info is useful to some of you.

Edit for the above poster: Yes it has a handle, but the box is pretty massive!
Does the 24i packaging have a handle on it? I'm getting mine delivered to my work on Monday and I'll think that I'll have to get a taxi home if it'll be awkward to handle it on public transport.

Yeah its got a handle on top of a very sturdy box 70x57x25 cm probably weighing 15 kg`s in total
Anyone got a 30" version and what do they think of it?

Trawled the thread but couldn't see any pics of one.


Ditto :D

Does anyone know if the 30" has any of the 'anomalies' associated with the 24/26" versions?

There's not been one mention of it so far!
Some legend of a guy at Hazro sorted everything out and came out the next day (I'm a 5 minute drive from their HQ and had offered to take the power adapter to them and pick up a new one) with a replacement power adapter and flashed the firmware while he was here.

It wasn't Lutfur by any chance? Very nice guy, he came out to me as well when I reported the original DPMS issue with the first rev (I'm about half an hour up the M6 though!).
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