Help with adding water to my 650D

Thats what I was thinking (apache 140's). What speed GT's did you go for? I've still got 3 x 1450RPM GT's sat here from my last watercooling build in a 800D.

I think I'm preferring the idea of using a 120 on the exhaust and 280 at the top though (leaving the front to push the cool air in)
I've got both 1450's and 1850's here. I'll give them both a go.
I got some Bitspower 140mm-120mm adapters to go with the fans.

I've also done a few 700D/800D builds but fancied doing a smaller 650D build this time :)
@@EllisDJ - You tried moving the second HDD cage out of the way of the front fan? that might help things. I also note that the front fan isn't one of the best - I believe theres a coolermaster 200mm one thats much better allot of users have been flocking to.

I doubt very much you'll be able to hit the same oc on CPU and an oc on the GPU with watercooling. I also don't like the idea of the one major intake fan (front 200mm) pulling hot air through the rad and into the case - thats not going to help cool the other rad at the top....

Hello Mate

I have tried with the HD cages in all 3 ways - it makes no difference to my gpu temps.

I have tried with the hd cage on its own in the middle of the case - I have tried and am currently using it with it on the bottom only of the 2 as standard (hope that makes sense) and I have tried with both cages in and the bottom cage empty and the HD's in the top - it seriously makes no difference.

I have tried with a fan blowing straight between the middle of my 2 GPUs I have also tried with a fan blowing up towards the exhaust and blowing at the back of the gpu's - still no difference.

The only thing that makes any difference is taking the side of the case off and my temps drop.

I think because Max Heat ---->> from GPUs and only the outer edge of 200mm going <--- back up the case along the windowd panel

On Heaven with an OC of about 1133 volts - 900 and 2100 roughly I am hitting high 90's at the minute - with the side off its 90c.

Thats hot - if you look at the deisgn of both my cards - they are dual fan big heat sink designs - I think the big asus cooler which is immense -top temp of 65c with a big OC strangle / chokes the air from the MSI on top and is feeding the MSI Hot air. Ther is a 30c difference in temps betwen my 2 cards.

I was therefore looking at the mesh side panel and maybe a 180mm fan intake - however at best I would get the same temp as with the side off.

I thought better - WC it and the CPU - now I have learnt a lot I feel about it, and how maybe I cannot do it, they way I want or on a sensible budget.

Its like any project - you start off wanting to spend £150-200, you end up with a basket 50-100% x more

Is this enough Rads for a 580 and 2600k OC? -

Apologies if I appeared to shun this idea earlier in the thread - I am still not 100% on that design - because
1. What cools the HD's?
2. There is no exhaust for the heat from my 2nd GTX 580
3. Overall cost
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Why do you say there is no exhaust for the heat from your 2nd video WILL be exhausted in that setup, just that it will exhaust through the radiator, marginally raising the temps.
With two rads you could watercool both cards anyway....the same as in that setup.

Re. The HDD's: I would have the bottom fan as intake on the rad, therefore still pushing air over the HDD cage.
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both oc and the 2600k oc ??

I thought the bottom 200mm fan was intake?

Looked again is exhaust - my hd's get cooked by my gpus at the minute and they dont heat up so would probs be fine anyways
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This is almost EXACTLY what i am doing in my new 650D build and hence my suggestion earlier.

I have a 280mm Koolance Rad+Phobya 200mm rad.
I'm using 120mm to 140mm fan adaptors with Scythe GT fans on the 280 and a single (maybe pair) of Coolermaster Megaflow fan on the 200mm rad.

I've got most of the parts now, just deciding on CPU/GPU blocks.

I have a 650D - just recently aquired and also w cooling. Can you clarify a couple of things for me.

So you have the Koolance 280 in the roof?

200 - presumably you mean 240 - where are you putting this one?
How much extra cooling does the koolance give you over a 240 - I only ask because at present I have a single 240 in the roof of mine and only cooling the cpu, but struggling with temps despite only being at [email protected].,2700K.

Thinking of swapping my 240 for the 280 Koolance - but how worth it is this?
May have to somehow consider serious modding for a 360 perhaps??????

I am still putting my loop together.
The second rad is the Phobya 200mm (not 240), which will be fitted at the bottom front.

I looked at a review by Bundymania for 140mm rads and the Koolance did pretty well.
I am still putting my loop together.
The second rad is the Phobya 200mm (not 240), which will be fitted at the bottom front.

I looked at a review by Bundymania for 140mm rads and the Koolance did pretty well.

Thanks for the clarification - let us know how u get on once built etc.

It seems bold from what everyone else has said in this thread - however its interesting none the less.

The guys sig is a big OC system - but not the system mentioned i.e. 6950s
so in theory a single 120 and a dual 120 which is the same is enough

so a dual 140 and single 200mm is scope for the future - oc 2600k and oc 2 580s?
so in theory a single 120 and a dual 120 which is the same is enough

so a dual 140 and single 200mm is scope for the future - oc 2600k and oc 2 580s?

Exactly :D
Or whatever else comes in the future...with regard to next gen. graphics cards.
And of course, the more surface area for the rads, the quieter the fans can be.
I am not that bothered about noise - I am tring to keep the overall cost down.
I would be lovely to go all out but its not possible really

I hadnt budgeted in my life to do this - but my H80 needs to go in for RMA and I was thinking do a swop for water and then sell the brand new replacement.

That way I have minimal PC down time - right on top of xmas is never the best time for free ££ :)
I had a single 120.3 in my 700D, running both an overclocked 2700k @ 4.8ghz AND 2 x 5850's (bear in mind these are hot to start with!).

Evidenced here:

People here and elsewhere kept on belting on about how the 5850's were throwing too much heat into the loop, so I sold my 5850 blocks without doing some testing. What a numpty! - turns out it made literally bugger all difference to my 2700K overclock - Still couldn't hit 5Ghz on comfortable temps with a even just a 120.3 cooling it grrrr.

Anyways - u live u learn. Lesson is NOTHING will keep a 2700k comfortable at 5Ghz - unless you go extreme levels and even then - theres another thread on here entitled Rad/Fan change, where axer has tried all sorts to tame 5Ghz - just not happening.

a 240 and a 120 should be more than enough to cool an overclocked cpu and 2 x gpu's (not sure if you go oc-ing the gpu's though as its never something I've been interested in). I'll be going 280 with a 120 hopefully soon. Got my pump, res and fittings - just need to source the rad (only a 280 to start with) and the cpu block. I'll chuck in another 120 rad once the new gen graphics are out and I can drop crossfire etc (hopefully!)
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My H80 has just died

I am my phone ATM but want to use the forum via a laptop but can't remember my password. I have it autosaved.

How can I get it please??

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