I'm not sure whether I should be surprised at the amount of retarded posts in this thread. Every single panel and inquest has cleared Liverpool supporters of any blame for the disaster yet we still get people blaming the supporters.
If these clowns aren't going to pay any attention to the findings of experts then they're not going to pay any attention to what I say or anybody else so leave them to it. They're either trolls or ****s, either way it's not worth your time.
David Cameron:
So this report counts but when the previous reports said the fans were to blame, that didn't count?
Have you ever heard of something being political, explain where the political upside is of blaming the fans? Will the government gain votes or look calous in the eyes of the media, if they do partially blame the fans... what do they gain from it?
IF the experts can explain how fans can be crushed when an entire crowd acts sensibly and stops moving forward when there is no space, I'll listen, while they can't sensible people will realise the report is meant as nothing more than to shut up Liverpool fans.
I despair. I really do.
There's absolutely no documentary or video evidence that the crush was caused by people pushing and shoving. Not in a way that didn't happen at every big football match, all over the country, every weekend. So to blame Liverpool fans for pushing and shoving, is blaming pretty much everyone that stood on terraces for the 70 odd years previous.
To even think that is a contributory cause, never mind feel the need to express that thought in face of the evidence that's been produced by the independent panel is just at best, plain irrational and pig ignorant. At worst, vindictive and malicious.
And most people who aren't Liverpool fans despair at the lack of ability to appreciate physics. Stand next to someone... are they crushed? now push them against something when you can see there isn't room for them? It is physically impossible that a bunch of people stood next to each other with no shoving and people got crushed, it is literally(with his being a meaningful usage of the word) IMPOSSIBLE.
Seriously, explain to me how it is possible for people to be crushed if no one pushes anyone into anyone else, if no one is touching anyone else, where did the crush come from. Dear god, ask 50 friends over, go into the smallest room, when its safely full with no one being crushed and not a single bit of space for someone else in there, explain how anyone in there gets crushed if everyone outside stops moving.
You're both arguing against physics and saying a report backs you up so must be true, despite Liverpool fans fighting reports and inquests for 23 years... either reports can be made to say anything they want... and the first one was... or they are all completely correct.