***Hogwarts Legacy - RPG***

Playing about today with the new DLSS updated and stuff, I noticed that the low latency or reflex options seem to boost the power consumption a fair bit, even when locked at 60 FPS.

Turning to off lowered GPU consumption from about 220W down to 120W in the area I was in.

Anyone else monitoring the power and see the impact of disabling this option? more importantly does doing so also lead to any perceptible input lag or fidelity downgrade in image quality?
First chance I've had to play this weekend, dont know if its the patch or the DLSS update but running way better on my rig. Just pottering (no pun intended) around in Hogsmead at the moment though, will see what happens when I go back to Hogwarts
Back at Hogwarts now, performance is still improved and I notice that I dont seem to be having the little spinny loading thing when going through doors any more either
I can’t see any difference to be honest.

The best thing to do is drop texture quality from ultra to high - imperceptible difference but performance is significantly better
Results? I feel the vram on my 3090 is simply not being used with this game.
well, this 'fix' was a game changer for me, 60fps even with RT on in Hogsmeade (3080 10GB). Prior to this fps would drop to 30-40 big time.

Navigate to "AppData\Local\Hogwarts Legacy\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor" and backup "Engine.ini". Add the following to the bottom of the file and save it:


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My PSU has arrived, so I'm gonna shut down and get tow work :p

Why are we having to run around updating DLSS why isn't this done automatically.
Because the devs implement these things long beforehand and by the release date they don't go back to update dlss/fsr dlls etc for the latest versions sadly!

as far as I understand it 3.X only applies to 40 series RTX cards.

20/30 series should stick with 2.5.X
No, DLSS 3 is just frame gen and shader execution re ordering. DLSS 3 still uses DLSS 2 for the image reconstruction and AI upsampling.

DLSS 2 is version 3.1.1 currently, this applies to both DLSS 3 and DLSS2 since DLSS3 is a superset of DLSS2. Any updates to "DLSS" super resolution applies to both DLSS3 and 2, since they are both the same thing. Not to be confused!
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