***Hogwarts Legacy - RPG***

I tried (and paid for) the Luke Ross Vr mod. I've also tried the new praydog injector. Whilst I think the praydog is better they both look and play awful.
What GPU are you running? I wonder if my 3070 doesn't cut it?

I did notice the LukeRoss mod messes with a load of graphical settings to try to get it look and play nice and the praydog one just seems to leave everything as you last had it.
4090 and set praydog uevr to synchronized sequential, i've got most settings on low. I would say you need good vr legs for the on rails bits at the start but once it's free roam it's good :)
I tried (and paid for) the Luke Ross Vr mod. I've also tried the new praydog injector. Whilst I think the praydog is better they both look and play awful.
What GPU are you running? I wonder if my 3070 doesn't cut it?

I did notice the LukeRoss mod messes with a load of graphical settings to try to get it look and play nice and the praydog one just seems to leave everything as you last had it.

Game uses a lot of VRAM and auto-adjusts some rendering based on available memory - 3070 is touch and go in the game if you are pushing it - anything like ray tracing will blow past 8GB VRAM.
I bought this for the kids, but thought I'd have a play as they've been pestering me. Runs on the kid's machine fine, but on my system I'm getting a crash during the shaders loading every time. If I delete the folder C:\ProgramData\HogwartsLegacy it will start fine, right up until I want to reload, and then I have to delete the folder again.
Any ideas? Tried reinstalling and verifying files but no dice. Cheers
Oh, the lighting integration with the Razor Chroma ARGB controller is pretty dope!
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I bought this for the kids, but thought I'd have a play as they've been pestering me. Runs on the kid's machine fine, but on my system I'm getting a crash during the shaders loading every time. If I delete the folder C:\ProgramData\HogwartsLegacy it will start fine, right up until I want to reload, and then I have to delete the folder again.
Any ideas? Tried reinstalling and verifying files but no dice. Cheers
Oh, the lighting integration with the Razor Chroma ARGB controller is pretty dope!
I had a similar problem and found it was an outdated Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable, I see my new gaming system actually came with a load of these dating from 2008 -2022 but reinstalled the latest one and it worked
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What are your system specs? the game likes having loads of RAM and loads of VRAM.
5600x 32ram rx6800xt (16 vram) OS is on an NVME game drive is on SATA SSD The game runs fine when it runs, it's just a bit of a pita deleting the folder each time
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Loads of hits on Google for that issue, no one seems to have solved it :( a few people said it goes away after doing a full Windows and drivers update.
It's time to replay this with my 4080 super. Has the ray tracing been fixed properly yet?
I don't mind lower frame rates if it makes it look prettier as I'm mainly going to be just touring Hogwarts marvelling at the architecture
Apparently there is an update of sorts planned for the game, so I may wait for that before diving back in. I wish they focused more on Hogwarts vs the outside zones though, over world map just isn't as interesting as the prime location of the castle.

Also think it could have been cool to do a Persona style school life sim on the game, the actual school side of the game is pretty weak, and you only get to really speak with a few people, missed opportunity.
Also think it could have been cool to do a Persona style school life sim on the game, the actual school side of the game is pretty weak, and you only get to really speak with a few people, missed opportunity.

Quite a lot of missed opportunities - but some of that might be licensing issues as they are probably restricted in what they can and can't do, or at least complications to that.

For example with the overall detail of the game world they could easily add in short stories or similar experiences, unrelated to the main game story.

It's time to replay this with my 4080 super. Has the ray tracing been fixed properly yet?

Nope which is a shame, you can do 1-2 tweaks to improve ray traced reflections, etc. but most of the issues remain. The game is crying out for a proper path tracing renderer.
Bought this a few days ago. It's better than I was expecting to be honest. I think it looks great. So far it has the perfect mix of talking/cutscenes vs playing. The level of detail as you wander around Hogwarts is amazing.
Loved that game, wasn’t very optimistic when I bought it, but it was very enjoyable. The end mission is superb, hoping they do some dlc for it
Finally finished this last night, got 40 hours out of it doing all the side quests, some collections (cba with all the Merlin Trials) really enjoyed it for the most part, liked how they paced the upgrades / items to you. Combat gets repetitive especially once you've unlocked all the spells (dark arts included) towards the end but overall it's engaging enough.

Visually very nice game to look at and the season changes were a nice surprise that gives areas a new feel / look.

Now the next one has been announced looking forward to it.
Sadly I doubt it will be possible through the mod kit but one thing I always felt the game lacked was wands having their own personalities and as an extension of that providing small specific bonuses - making wands more than just a cosmetic item and their choice have some real meaning to the game.
Bought this (mostly for my wife but I played it a bit as well) and enjoyed it enough, did find ourselves suddenly getting to the end and some of the pacing felt a bit off, I think due to the ability to fly, exploring the 'world' outside the castle didn't happen very organically for us which may have been a factor.

Also ended up really disliking the whole 'loot' system, from memory too many similar items that either did nothing or did very similar things, agree with @Rroff it would have been cool to have more unique aspects to items especially wands.

Saying that I have just upgraded the media pc so am intending on giving it another playthrough, first time was with a 6600k and 1080 so wasn't exactly a high end experience, now have a 5600 and 4070 which should at least let us bump up some settings and enjoy the scenary even more.
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