Holiday Cottage Deduction from Deposit

I hope you demanded that you were posted the damaged complete set at your expense on top of paying for the new set. ;)
Imagine if you hadn't noticed and you'd burnt part of the house down but it was a part that rendered the whole house structurally unsafe so the whole house had to be replaced, imagine the cost then and the fume from yourself on the cost of having to rebuild the whole house when you only destroyed part of it
Best bit is, it costs £35 to take someone to small claims, so the son would end up paying £50 plus any other costs like if the OP wanted to claim a days wages for having to attend court, maybe wife's as well as a witness :D

ok i will go there, pics of wife please.

seems unfair for her to be dragged into this without our full attention.
Your son could have burned the cottage down, you escape with a £15 bill for some damage to a chopping board and think it’s unfair?

Have you ever had a parking ticket?
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