Ooh, I'm plotting the same - thinking of using ESPHome to control the water and this'll then integrate nicely with HA scheduling.
What's your thinking for this?
Moisture sensors either per plant pot, or per area of greenhouse, or even per plant type. Remember esp8266's can only support a single moisture sensor as they only have a single ADC port. Esp32's have a few more ports depending on model (upto 12 I believe).
I would then have a pump 5v or 12v that sits in the water butt* that can be powered on by the esp chip, along with a solenoid valve that opens when the pump is activated. The purpose of the solenoid valve is to direct water at the plant pot/area where the moisture sensor has reported dry conditions. *(I don't trust my electronics connected upto the main water line - it'll be my luck that I'll be out one day and the solenoid will fail to close and I'll come back to a flooded garden, at least the water but has a limited amount of water).
Then just irrigation tubing to pipe water directly to plant pots or areas.
I would probably then just run on an automation rather than a schedule. If it's been a cold dull day then plants probably won't need watering compared to during a heatwave.