Whilst the graphical update is definitely nice, I'm sadly not liking several aspects of the UI and gameplay which have changed.
- What on earth have they done to the 'Launch' panel. Each docked ship listed individually as a little 'picture'/schematic - in the order in which it docked... How are you supposed to use that?
- The 'stay docked' checkbox does not carry over into the next level, so even if you have all strike craft docked they auto-launch at the start of 'Diamond Shoals'
- Limit of 14 Salvage Corvettes is a bit of a pain. Definitely means different tactics to the 'steal everything worth having' one I often used before.
- Seems very easy - e.g. in the level where you salvage the cryotrays there was only two enemy frigates attacking the trays rather than 6 or 8 in the original. Same with the Beam Frigates in the subsequent level - only 4 instead of 8 or so.
Plus a few bugs so far:
- Couple of crashes to desktop
- Enemy AI seems to be a bit lacking. The Kushan carrier in the early levels basically just sat there waiting to die once its first wave of strike craft had been destroyed.
- Captured an enemy carrier using Salvage Corvettes, and when it had been processed came back out of the mothership as one of my ships it then launched a load of hostile strike craft which started attacking my other ships
- What on earth have they done to the 'Launch' panel. Each docked ship listed individually as a little 'picture'/schematic - in the order in which it docked... How are you supposed to use that?
- The 'stay docked' checkbox does not carry over into the next level, so even if you have all strike craft docked they auto-launch at the start of 'Diamond Shoals'
- Limit of 14 Salvage Corvettes is a bit of a pain. Definitely means different tactics to the 'steal everything worth having' one I often used before.
- Seems very easy - e.g. in the level where you salvage the cryotrays there was only two enemy frigates attacking the trays rather than 6 or 8 in the original. Same with the Beam Frigates in the subsequent level - only 4 instead of 8 or so.
Plus a few bugs so far:
- Couple of crashes to desktop
- Enemy AI seems to be a bit lacking. The Kushan carrier in the early levels basically just sat there waiting to die once its first wave of strike craft had been destroyed.
- Captured an enemy carrier using Salvage Corvettes, and when it had been processed came back out of the mothership as one of my ships it then launched a load of hostile strike craft which started attacking my other ships