Absolutely, let me pick one example (I have a few) because I don't want to derail this thread with an entirely different topic. I'll also use very broad strokes because, again, I don't want to derail things.
Parents who have messy breakups/divorces, or better yet stay together "for the children". My God, I think it is the single most effective way to **** up a child and still be legal.
I get it, relationships break down, people change etc, but the behaviour I have seen men and women do in this situation is absolutely shocking. I have seen, both as a child and now as an adult,
* a parent complain and whinge about the ex in front of their children (putting in mildly)
* parents who refused to communicate with each other and only exchange messages through the intermediary child
* parents who sulked for days over minute things that annoyed them
* parents who wouldn't even come to the door when taking a child between households
and I came from a relatively stable family! This is purely stuff I've seen through friends and extended family. I have no doubt there are people on this forum have worse personal stories to tell.
At some point these people decided to have a child together, Now they're acting worse than the child they're meant to raise! It is such a terrible example these people are setting for their children. In my fantasy world of infinite resources, this would be classified as child abuse and their should be severe repercussions for doing this. Of course it isn't because it is so common it's completely unenforceable.
To be clear I am not saying all divorces end this way, a lot end amicably which is the best of a bad situation. Also, I know sometimes people do unforgivable things that mean they deserve to be treated harshly by the other partner. However, in my experience most relationships end with neither party being squeaky clean. In general, if you can't treat the person you decided to have a child with with the most basic level of dignity and respect then you shouldn't be raising children.
Rant over
, you can carry on complaining about pride.