I'm absolutely loving this game. It's superb. I may even like it more than The Witcher 3
I'm absolutely loving this game. It's superb. I may even like it more than The Witcher 3
I was disappointed to find you couldn't mount them though
I'm absolutely loving this game. It's superb. I may even like it more than The Witcher 3
I do.
Witcher 3 is great, the story etc is fantastic but the whole thing from combat to inventory management is just so clunky and painful compared to Horizon.
I'm so jealous you get to experience the game from the start!My PS4 slim (no need for a pro,1080p tv and no interest in 4k tbh) with Horizon and 2 controllers is coming today. Very excited .
Frankly, Witcher 3 is a bit overrated. I don't see anything in it to make it ''THE BEST GAME EVER'' as many tout it to be. Best graphics, best story, best everything. Really?
I mean, it's overall an 8/10 game easily but to call a bog-standard and poorly paced fantasy story the best story ever is a bit too much. Especially that it's based on books which are simply better.
People seem to mistake good dialogues with a well-written story. So many redundant characters and entire pointless segments just to let you know that your princess is in an another castle. I was extremely disappointed with it and the final dialogue choices didn't even have any bearing on the ending whatsoever. I didn't feel any connection to the characters because the story felt fragmented and there was hardly any build-up to the final scenes.
Of course, there is some impressive stuff in the game, like music, dialogues, some of the little choices but it all gets predictable in the end.
Some sidequests were great and the world was occasionally interesting to explore but all the gameplay mechanics were simply average or below average; combat, animations etc.
Terrible levelling problems made everything unrewarding. You basically didn't need any new weapons for the majority of the game and everything you found was crap.
I don't get how all that warrants the title of the best game ever, especially when I see people in the PC thread bitching about Zelda being so praised or comparing W3 to either it or Horizon, as if worried that something has a higher meta critic than the "best game ever". Well, Zelda at least gets the gameplay and exploration right. Hell, even Fallout 4, even though the quests are infinitely worse than W3's.
I don't even see the point of comparing everything that comes out to W3. Time goes on and Horizon beats it at graphics, combat, animations and IMO the setting. That's not too shabby but I guess people will always cling to W3's story to make it seem like it's really objectively better than anything else out there.
Think its all about opinions mate......what one man/woman finds perfect, another may hate...I personally found it one of the best story telling games I've ever played, but do agree the clunky combat and inventory system was poor.
The comparisons between Horizon and TW3 are fair, as they are VERY similar....which one you prefer is down to personal taste no?
Yes, you're absolutely right of course. It's all down to taste but when you look at what the story actually told I don't think it was something exceptional. Some of the characters? Definitely good. Dialogues? Mostly good. You can clearly see that the game tried to make dialogues its main point because there's very little else in terms of story and character develpoment throughout. You feel like you're running in circles most of the time. Maybe it's also down to the fact that the game has so many repetitive distractions that the story gets lost in all that. You're supposed to be looking for Ciri etc. and saving the world but you're playing Gwent or running around woods killing monsters;p It's a bit fragmented, the story could be half the length of what it is and we wouldn't actually lose that much.
Hearts of Stone was a different beast, though. That story was great, even though it was clearly based on one of the most famous Polish tales.
That's why I think shorter games have the potential to deliver better stories. The Last of Us is still the best in this regard IMO. The pacing is perfect, the dialogues/voice acting are amazing, there's enough room for the characters to grow and the cutscenes are more impactful (in a subtle way) than anything I've seen in W3. The ending is one of the few that actually surprised me and left me a bit uneasy. It all feels perfectly stringed together. I didn't find this charm in Witcher 3, even with its unending walls of dialogue.
Regarding Horizon, if it's to be compared with Witcher 3, then Witcher 3 doesn't have a patch on it at anything except sidequests and maybe story if you're not bothered about the stuff I pointed out. Oh, it also wins on length but that's a double-edged sword since it doesn't have the gameplay mechanics/variety good enough to sustain a 100+ hours adventure without feeling forced.