Horizon: Zero Dawn [PS4]

Check out this weird glitch I experienced last night.

Well done you've discovered the hidden 'Breakdancer' machine. :p

Throughout my whole play I only had one glitch where I got stuck in a crevice in a mountain and couldn't get out, in the end I had to fast travel to the nearest bonfire. On the whole though I think they've done a tremendous job with the mountains as there are a very few that you can't climb, it's even impressive the way mounts interacts with them rather than just running into hidden walls.
Finished HZD last night after 63hrs. I still have 3x side quests out of the 22 to do and the Hunters Lodge rubbish - I hate these timed trial things that involve 'medals'.

What a brilliant ride overall. I was absolutely hooked from the moment Aloy, as a child fell into the ruins. It doesn't take a genius to work out what happened to the previous civilisation and I wanted to know the full story.

As a bored PC gamer that purchased a PS4 in December, and then immediately went to the Pro because he was so impressed by the OS & 2017 exclusives I can say that I haven't had this much fun in ages. Infamous Second Son, Until Dawn, Uncharted 4 and now HZD have blown me away with storylines that have left me wanting more. Prior to this it was Witcher 3 (and DLC's) on the PC.

It's just a shame we have to wait possibly a few years before we see a sequel of any sorts barring DLC. I'm still hoping that the devs add a NG+ to the game at some point!

You'll be going for Shadow of War then?
You'll be going for Shadow of War then?
Most likely but since the formula isn't new anymore I won't be getting excited over it. Not sure about what platform I'll get it on just yet as the first game on my PC had a major stutter issue that I couldn't fix at all to this day. It'll be interesting to see what the Pro benefits are.
Just had a late night sesh on it and completed it. Really enjoyed it gotta be fair, one of the best games I've played in a while.
I'm really liking this game. I'm level 17 and completed about 20% of the game. I think I'll do the main quest because I believe I can complete the side quests and other things afterwards? The only thing for me is the mods I'm adding to the weapons I'm not clear on what I'm doing really. Not sure if some are better or worse? I put one on my sharpshooter bow and it said mod 17 of 18 then it went to 16/18? Just confused. Apart from that I love it. Half day at work today so looking forward to getting a few hours done later.
What a fantastic video game.

Despite all my peers giving it the nod, I still went in with middling expectations for what I thought was going to be a Ubi style collectathon. How wrong I was. The world building both in terms of it's aesthetics and narrative design is absolutely stellar. Even more impressive considering that this is a fresh IP. Such an intriguing world to be immersed in.

So, so proud of Guerilla for proving me wrong. Can't wait to get properly stuck in over the weekend!
Days after finishing the game I am still bowled over by the overall storyline. I find myself reading the /r/horizon subreddit a lot to see other players experiences in the amazing world GG have made and I feel sad that it's all over for now.
I am trying to 100% the game but have the garbage lodge hunters timed trials to complete - I hate timed stuff like this :/
Days after finishing the game I am still bowled over by the overall storyline. I find myself reading the /r/horizon subreddit a lot to see other players experiences in the amazing world GG have made and I feel sad that it's all over for now.
I am trying to 100% the game but have the garbage lodge hunters timed trials to complete - I hate timed stuff like this :/

I'm only level 18 and 33 hours. Spent most of my time exploring, doing side quests and soaking up every detail making it go as slow as possible. I don't like to rush a game like some people do. The corrupted machines were fun.

Trying to make every playtime last as long as possible since I have all the left side of the map still to uncover. They opened the gate for me but decided to stay in the right hand side of the world. Still quite a few quests to do, not been in the cauldron but did have a look at the entrance area. Mmmm!
Definetly aiming to plat this, almost finished the main quest, but saving it until I finish the side quests. lvl 43.

its a bit of a slog getting all collectibles etc.
I'm enjoying this mostly however I'm already thinking I may just skip most of the side missions and mainly the main quest as none of that stuff has felt any more gab just filler. Not a stab at the game, most do this and I think I've grown tired of the generic open world game tropes.

Enjoying this for the combat, world, and I hear the story gets going so we shall see! Level 15 (I think) right now
Got the ancient armour last night, I feel almost invincible! Taking on storm birds and not even using any of my health pack.

I'm yet to actually finish the game, think I will mop up the side quests etc first. Got two trial left to ace also. Should be easy with this amour tbh.
I'm enjoying this mostly however I'm already thinking I may just skip most of the side missions and mainly the main quest as none of that stuff has felt any more gab just filler. Not a stab at the game, most do this and I think I've grown tired of the generic open world game tropes.

Enjoying this for the combat, world, and I hear the story gets going so we shall see! Level 15 (I think) right now

Some of the mid to end game side quests are actually really good.

I wouldnt advise skipping them
Did anyone pre-order and/or get the deluxe edition of this game with the extra bows and suits? I guess none of the suits come close to the ancient armour you can eventually get but what about the bows? Are they green level basic stuff which will be surpassed by the purple shadow bows?
The one I got with the standard digital edition (thing it was carja) was just a blue bow. The suit was blue too.

I found some ultraweave armour knocking about but it said I needed power cells (not really a spoiler as its near beginning). Would I find these later in the game or do you need to search for them?
The one I got with the standard digital edition (thing it was carja) was just a blue bow. The suit was blue too.

I found some ultraweave armour knocking about but it said I needed power cells (not really a spoiler as its near beginning). Would I find these later in the game or do you need to search for them?

That's the armour I mentioned above. It's not obtainable until very close to end game.
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