Check out this weird glitch I experienced last night.
Finished HZD last night after 63hrs. I still have 3x side quests out of the 22 to do and the Hunters Lodge rubbish - I hate these timed trial things that involve 'medals'.
What a brilliant ride overall. I was absolutely hooked from the moment Aloy, as a child fell into the ruins. It doesn't take a genius to work out what happened to the previous civilisation and I wanted to know the full story.
As a bored PC gamer that purchased a PS4 in December, and then immediately went to the Pro because he was so impressed by the OS & 2017 exclusives I can say that I haven't had this much fun in ages. Infamous Second Son, Until Dawn, Uncharted 4 and now HZD have blown me away with storylines that have left me wanting more. Prior to this it was Witcher 3 (and DLC's) on the PC.
It's just a shame we have to wait possibly a few years before we see a sequel of any sorts barring DLC. I'm still hoping that the devs add a NG+ to the game at some point!
Most likely but since the formula isn't new anymore I won't be getting excited over it. Not sure about what platform I'll get it on just yet as the first game on my PC had a major stutter issue that I couldn't fix at all to this day. It'll be interesting to see what the Pro benefits are.You'll be going for Shadow of War then?
bought this for my son and I to "share" a playthrough
I've played for 15 mins so far and "we're" (lol) level 32 now ....
hes loving it
Days after finishing the game I am still bowled over by the overall storyline. I find myself reading the /r/horizon subreddit a lot to see other players experiences in the amazing world GG have made and I feel sad that it's all over for now.
I am trying to 100% the game but have the garbage lodge hunters timed trials to complete - I hate timed stuff like this :/
I'm enjoying this mostly however I'm already thinking I may just skip most of the side missions and mainly the main quest as none of that stuff has felt any more gab just filler. Not a stab at the game, most do this and I think I've grown tired of the generic open world game tropes.
Enjoying this for the combat, world, and I hear the story gets going so we shall see! Level 15 (I think) right now
The one I got with the standard digital edition (thing it was carja) was just a blue bow. The suit was blue too.
I found some ultraweave armour knocking about but it said I needed power cells (not really a spoiler as its near beginning). Would I find these later in the game or do you need to search for them?