Horizon: Zero Dawn [PS4]

I can't wait to see what new creatures they bring in the DLC. If you look on the making of video (I posted it earlier in the thread) there's a section where its film the offices/PC screens they're making the game on and there's a layout of some of the machines in the gaming (early development) and it mentions a Rhino and some kind of glider/flying robot and another I couldn't make out. Maybe just early stuff that's not going to be in the game but you never know.

I'll try post the time on the video to see if anyone else can make out the 3rd machine. Page 60, around 8 minutes there are blocks with the machine names on. Maybe they're just alternate names for some of the machines.
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Aim for the radar modules on scrappers with precision arrows... That was driving me nuts! :p

This game just gets more and more epic. Fought a rock splitter this evening. Oh my word!!! :eek:

It's great when things click and you can exploit certain enemies weaknesses for quick kills. I can take down a fire bellowback in about 10 seconds now if I don't miss! :D

I wasn't trying to kill them fast. Its more fun cheesing them off and blowing bits off at a time rather than killing them in 10 seconds. Sadly I can never seem to lure a whole number of machines out. They always seem to want to stay in an area until you walk in.

I'm trying to find an area with 4 Sawtooths or Ravagers in one area to have a big battle. Or try to get them all running into the area.
I wasn't trying to kill them fast. Its more fun cheesing them off and blowing bits off at a time rather than killing them in 10 seconds. Sadly I can never seem to lure a whole number of machines out. They always seem to want to stay in an area until you walk in.

I'm trying to find an area with 4 Sawtooths or Ravagers in one area to have a big battle. Or try to get them all running into the area.

I had a battle with 3 Shell Walkers and 2 Ravagers last night. Just popped off the Cannon from one Ravager from cover, sneaked around, tear blasted the walkers then took them all out with the Cannon. It was glorious! :D
Thunderjaw Disc Launchers are pretty effective, but a bit more tricky to grab and use against their former owners :>

Only got the stealth lodge trials to do now, but the stealth mechanics are pretty pants, not sure I can be bothered finishing it. Done the watchers part, but stealing 4 shellwalker crates in a minute and a half or whatever? Pfff.
Jesus I'll be sorting out shock resist for my armour on that trial then. Wonder if corruption arrows might be a good idea to distract the enemies.

Thunderjaw Disc Launchers are pretty effective, but a bit more tricky to grab and use against their former owners :>

Only got the stealth lodge trials to do now, but the stealth mechanics are pretty pants, not sure I can be bothered finishing it. Done the watchers part, but stealing 4 shellwalker crates in a minute and a half or whatever? Pfff.

Depends really - I find the hardest thing to do is find the bloody things after you've knocked them off. I found a place with 2 thunderjaws last night, set them against each other with corruption, knocked 2 disc launchers off and finished them both off pretty sharpish. :) I'm starting to think I should have played on Very Hard now.
Ah I was trying to be stealthy about it, assuming it was required. I'll just whack on the Shield Weaver and all Tear mods and go wading in then :)
I've not got shield weaver armour yet but I'll just use the +max health potion and shock resist slots on my armour. :)

I find the trials really stressful but I've managed Blazing suns at all the ones I've done so far. Most first time. :D

What I find interesting about this game is the multitude of tools you've got to get the job done. I've always been a stealthy type but I'm mixing it up a lot more now. Slings are great!
What I find interesting about this game is the multitude of tools you've got to get the job done. I've always been a stealthy type but I'm mixing it up a lot more now. Slings are great!

I love the sticky bombs. Lob a few that sticks to their body or 3 and 4 if you can or even their face, boom boom boom boom!

Slow deaths are most fun watching piece by piece blow up in the air.
Anyone got any advice on the arrows to use I always seem to struggle lol got all the purple bows now

Depends what you're fighting. Fire arrows for Glinthawks and on groups of grazers (aim for blaze canisters). I use precision arrows or double/triple notched hard-point against humans and on watcher eyes.

You can farm grazers for cash by killing a group then using harvest arrows on the canisters before looting the blaze and selling it. I was always running out of wire until I found that trick.
How far are you, Narj?
65 percent completion, level 41. I'm confident taking on pretty much anything except rockbreakers now. Had to cheat a bit on the corrupted ones by sniping across the river.

Triple notch tear blast on ravagers is great... Knock their weapon off and they tend to fall over giving you a chance to get in and grab the cannon. Just did cauldron Rho and that trick came in handy!

I can honestly say that putting purple handling enhancements in the shadow ropecaster makes it somewhat OP! Storm Birds are a piece of cake now.

I'm still a bit overwhelmed with quests to do!

Oh, going back "home" is worthwhile after you've progressed a bit.
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10h in, level 13 and probably going to do my first Cauldron today (if I get to play):D It's getting properly epic and I haven't even fought the bigger stuff yet, only some smaller machines, Corruptors, two Sawtooths and that chicken thing. I'm really starting to appreciate the combat now, slowly picking your opponents apart instead of mashing one button is very satisfying. Hitting the robots with the spear and the critical hits/stealth attacks also feel very cool, even though the melee can get a bit wonky at times.

It's great how aggressive those machines are and how alive they feel, they won't let you take things slow and there's obviously no parrying so you have to be on the move, which makes the fights pretty dynamic and exhausting. The first time I saw a Sawtooth charging at me and running down trees along the way, I was properly amazed. I'm getting my arse handed to me on very hard by the bigger stuff if I'm not careful.

I've played many great games over the last couple of years but I can't remember a single one with enemies like that.

BTW, which weapons should I get? I only have the Carja War Bow and the Tripcaster. Are there any spear upgrades?
BTW, which weapons should I get? I only have the Carja War Bow and the Tripcaster. Are there any spear upgrades?
You get a spear upgrade later in the game as part of the main story. Focus on obtaining ALL the purple bows though over time. They all give you access to different arrow/bomb types. Personally I never used the rope or tripcaster in all my 3x re-plays of the game unless a Hunters quest called for it. I was strictly bombs/arrows/traps mostly all the way through.

Grab the bow that grants you Fire arrows asap (godsend vs glinthawks), and the bow that gives you access to ice/corruption/shock arrows (forgotten the name).

Must confess I didn't think much of the first Cauldron. The other ones were a lot better.
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