Horrible Accident

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tbh there was no time to do pictures if u ask me, and it would be quite rude to do that. but i can post the brick sign of the village that the car went trough, when i will go trough that area again.

i'll post about the what happened with the women and the kid when i will get more info.

tbh its last thing on my mind now. i just want forget all of it hopefully some vodka and beer will help to do it.

ty for all support, but there loads of things going in my mind now.

Have you considered discussing what happened today, with a close friend or perhaps ask for professional help? it's possible you are experiencing posttraumatic stress disorder and it would be criminal if you were to beat yourself up when you obviously went above and beyond.
As for those discussing opening the door, mythbusters to the rescue.


yeah I posted that above - that's the only footahe of this type that I know of... even watching that in a controlled environment shows how scary it would be. Imagine if it was a murky lake, panic would set in, seat belts ... If you have kids in the back as well... truly horrific.
Well done fella - if there is anything along the karma I think you earned a few points today.
Feel proud - you just saved a couple of lives.
Wow... Just wow.

You did amazingly well under difficult circumstances it seems. Hope they are both ok.

Don't beat yourself up about it, your a hero.
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Well done man! Excellent effort, you should be feeling pretty damned proud of yourself! :). Hope you win the lotto! :D
Huge respect to you for taking action. A lot of people would just panic, but it seems you risked your life for someone else's. I hope they're ok God willing, and hope you are too. You deserve an heroes medal.
Thats incredible! Not much more I can say, than whats already been said but well done. Not many people that would risk their lifes for others. Would like to hope I would aslo do the same, altough also hope I never need to.

Hope the mums ok, and best of wishes to there family.
If you are ever in my part of the world, there is a pint with your name on it. Well done.

I hope the woman will be ok.
Dude - you're a frickin hero. You did what you could in the heat of the moment and saved a life. I lost 3 friends in a similar accident (I wasn't there) because there was no one to pull them from the car. You've got no reason to doubt yourself or whether you could have done more. You won't ever have to prove your courage to anyone.
I don't know what to say really. We all like to think about what we would do in these situations but to hear someone who did the right thing like this is amazing.
I'm sure you will be repaid in life for the good you have done, on top of when you realise the gravity of your actions.

And about the grammar, don't worry about it. I think it just strengthens the fact that grammar doesn't reflect the person behind the keyboard.
You Sir, are a hero. Not many people have the balls to attempt save anyone they just wait around hoping someone else will do something.

Had a similar situation recently . . a 17 year old drunk lad was joy riding, he hit a concrete outpost in the middle of the road and he flipped the car which was in flames, everyone was watching at late hours scared/shocked to do anything!

We pulled him out of the car sideways in flames. It's very scary with nothing but adrenaline rushing to help another human.

Feel proud :)
You Sir, are a hero. Not many people have the balls to attempt save anyone they just wait around hoping someone else will do something.

Had a similar situation recently . . a 17 year old drunk lad was joy riding, he hit a concrete outpost in the middle of the road and he flipped the car which was in flames, everyone was watching at late hours scared/shocked to do anything!

We pulled him out of the car sideways in flames. It's very scary with nothing but adrenaline rushing to help another human.

Feel proud :)

should have let the c burn to death. Glad it was a concrete post and not another car with a family in it!
Wow, for a minute there I was waiting for the punchline at the bottom but You really did that. :eek:

Much respect, Kudos and act of heroism by yourself, a lot of people now a days would have driven on by. Well done for stopping and doing the best you could..

10m under water is double the pressure of the atmosphere though, so expecting the windows to open either electrically or by the winder is a no no, as agonising as it is you have to wait until the car is full of water.

Well done anyway
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