US: House of Cards

Has anyone watched the UK original version of House of Cards?

After watching the Netflix version I tracked down the original. It obviously hasn't got the same production values (not to mention being 20 years old) but have to admit I really enjoyed it. The lead (Francis Urquhart) really makes the show - inserts real humour into his deviousness.

I went out of my way to watch the British version prior to the US one.

Being slightly more in the past it certainly made stuff a lot more feasable. Things like coverups and faking suicides is a lot easier when there wasn't 24/7 news, cameraphones etc.

Obviously though the US is in the modern era is slightly different. Things are captured on cameras and once information is on the internet it becomes very difficult to coverup. Not to mention US presidents, unlike our prime ministers, don't tend to resign which should make Franks challenge of becoming PM a slightly longer path.

I thought it was nice they actually kept a fair amount of the names to a similar vain. Also the British one Francis was incredibly posh, I thought it was a nice touch giving the US version a southern drawl to give him that accent that distinguishes him from the common man in DC.

Also Kate Mara is way hotter than the UK version's journalist.
Just watched episode 14 (first ep of Season 2).


I also can't believe they released the entire series in 1 go again!
Just watching the first episode, not sure why I haven't watched this before, and its very good. The only thing I dont like is how often he speaks to camera.
Because I would think they would get more people signing up if released weekly. I'm not complaining, I'm very glad that they do.
Just watched the first 2 episodes of season 2 :) I must admit its been a while since I watched season 1 so I didn't completely get what was happening at first LOL.

There good I enjoy it. Scandal and west wing are also good :)
There are less dramatic turns this year, it is still some of the best tv i've seen for a while though !

Seen 8 episodes now.
Just finished, VERY GOOD !!!

I love the chess of politics that they play, it goes back for hours and hours of episodes ago which is brilliant.
I remember enjoying season 1 of this but as it had been so long I didn't remember how good it was. Just finished season 2, absolutely fantastic. The way the show has you smiling when Frank pulls something off despite everything he's done/does that screams brilliance. I didn't think it was perfect..

The 'Ribs' storyline felt unnecessary and more akin to a typical US show side-story as well as Claire's bill taking up quite a large portion but ultimately going nowhere as apart from the breakdown on the stairs nothing else came of it unless it pops up in season 3. Plus the stuff with Meecham was weird and a bit out of the blue as afaik there have been no indiciations of Frank going that way as well although I did watch the first season ages ago.

However, the show is still top class and Kevin Spacey rules the screen whenever he's on and it's good enough that it's the only thing i've watched in 3 days :p
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