US: House of Cards

His wife plans his murder in the original British version because he loses control and his web of lies is about to unravel. He also goes about setting himself up to be very rich after he leaves office. It was quite a fitting end actually.

I think it was mentioned in season 2 of the US version actually, how power is better than money but power never lasts etc.

Never watched the original british series might have to give it a go.

I could believe claire would kill him. She shows a more darker power hungry side in season 2 I think.

I guess season 3 is going to be a while away anyways :(
Only started watching this last week, just watched the first episode of the second season. Holy sweet mother of ****.
I've just finished Season 2, what a fantastic show this is, Kevin Spacey is a joy to watch. I have to say I really love the time lapse intro of Washington, D.C. as well. :)
I just finished it today, totally loved it. So atmospheric with the music and lighting. I love how they take there time with the scenes, I just lapped it up lol.

It is up there with breaking bad for me.
I assume...

that Doug is dead in the woods outside of Camp David, as there is the noise of the helicopter when it goes to the shot of him lying dead on the ground...
I assume...

that Doug is dead in the woods outside of Camp David, as there is the noise of the helicopter when it goes to the shot of him lying dead on the ground...

I think it's just some random woodland, I don't think there would be any reason as to why Doug (or Frank) would want The President speaking to Rachel. Doug reports directly to Frank too, I don't recall any instances where he has gone straight to The President instead of Frank, unless I've missed something. :p
season 2 is a no-go..they went completely overboard with it, turning K.Spacey into a murdered and an absolute puppet-master as if he is some sort of wizard, able to talk anyone into anything.

give me a break..over the top completely, losing the streak season 1 had. boring to top it off, verging on the ridiculous at times.

Borgen is orders of magnitude better if you like a political drama series (seasons 1 and 2, 3 is a flop).
season 2 is a no-go..they went completely overboard with it, turning K.Spacey into a murdered and an absolute puppet-master as if he is some sort of wizard, able to talk anyone into anything.

give me a break..over the top completely, losing the streak season 1 had. boring to top it off, verging on the ridiculous at times.

Borgen is orders of magnitude better if you like a political drama series (seasons 1 and 2, 3 is a flop).

Because real politicians never lie, take bribes, convince parliament that iraq has wmd's... The whole point of house of cards, is that it is takes corruption to the extreme, how one man, through ruthless means, can attain political power, without having been elected to his position (Andy Coulson).
I think one of the best moments for me in season 2 is:

Xander Feng: Mr. Tusk and I have great resources at our disposal.

Francis Underwood: Add up all your billions together and you get the GDP of Slovakia. I have the Federal Government of the United States of America. Your money doesn't intimidate me. The most that you can buy is influence. But I wield Constitutional authority.

Not really liking Claire at all, I disliked her in the first season but I've really started hating her now.
I had a very slow start to season two, but it certainly picks up momentum! Only a couple more to go. Only a night at work separates me from them. It'll be a long night. :-)
Finished season 2 the other night. Absolutely brilliant. I think the very end scene before the credits is amazing.

I thought the 3 way was stupid and put in as lazy/ cheap shock factor. It was completely out of place and not believable.

Similarly the 3 way with the Chinese guy being suffocated was pointless and just in it for the sake of it.

Apart from the above and me finding the whole american political system a bit confusing at times, the show is brilliant and it can't wait for season 3. The house of cards is coming down very soon! :)
I think it relates back to the quote "everything is about sex, except sex. Sex is about power".

I agree it was a bit slapdash but again it added a bit more depth to the relationship of Frank and Claire for the viewer.

With the likes of The voice and Stars in their Eyes and all the other GUFF that's on the TV at the mo. The threesome, although lame can be forgiven for this great show.
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