They also take home 99% of the money...
Top 1% earn 14% of total income, own 21% of total wealth and pay about 30% of total income tax. They also receive 0% of total benefits/welfare.
They also take home 99% of the money...
They also take home 99% of the money...
Yea, i think you need to brush up on whats going on before having any strong opinions about it tbh
Welfare everywhere, basically encouraging people to take it now, here's a new one I noticed from Scotland for example, maybe that's just a drop in the ocean but over last 20 years plenty of new welfare. Are we going to go bankrupt one day or is it just a case of how it's all managed and just a small percentage of people on it?
Top 1% earn 14% of total income, own 21% of total wealth and pay about 30% of total income tax. They also receive 0% of total benefits/welfare.
The 1% may not receive benefits, but some of them certainly receive special considerations by governments if they use some of that to coerce and leverage further ability to make more money at the expense of the rest of the country. They also benefit from not having to pay a reasonable income to their employees and they benefit from keeping the proles happy rather than agitated.
This is in your head that all these people in the top 1% are leveraging the country to get better tax rates. Youre using the odd case you see in the news as a benchmark for the whole 1%.
Tax fraud is relatively small, like 5% of the expected government income is lost to tax fraud.
You can hide a lot of things behind stats.
14% of total income is ~£170 Billion and 30% of income tax is around ~£80 Billion, which if they were all equal income amounts to ~170k a year remaining.
86% of total income is ~£1050 Billion and 70% of income tax is around ~£185 Billion, which if they were all equal income amounts to ~27k a year remaining.
*for 2019 FY, ignoring other taxes.
Looks fine to me frankly, I certainly wouldn't be moaning about having that amount. The 1% may not receive benefits, but some of them certainly receive special considerations by governments if they use some of that to coerce and leverage further ability to make more money at the expense of the rest of the country. They also benefit from not having to pay a reasonable income to their employees and they benefit from keeping the proles happy rather than agitated.
A functioning state is not a one-way street, we shouldn't need to constantly remind ourselves with what happens when it is.
So they make £170b and pay £80b in tax. That’s 47% net tax rate. Do we expect them to pay 100% in taxes?
Someone on 180k won't be getting that obviously, as it's exclusively the realm of millionaires and billionaires. There's no use in pretending that they don't leverage their privileged positions for personal gain, maybe it's just the way of things, but it's still inherently unfair and the public won't stand for it forever. The beleaguered peoples at the bottom (and I don't just mean those on benefits) are already abandoning the notion of a fair democracy as it is.
So you declare all rich people "guilty" and tax them accordingly?
I hope someday we will discourage class bigotry the way we discourage racial bigotry now.
I wasn't really talking about tax there. I was talking about regulatory capture, which is much easier if you can bankroll a party to government and expect recompense.
Someone on 180k won't be getting that obviously, as it's exclusively the realm of millionaires and billionaires. There's no use in pretending that they don't leverage their privileged positions for personal gain, maybe it's just the way of things, but it's still inherently unfair and the public won't stand for it forever. The beleaguered peoples at the bottom (and I don't just mean those on benefits) are already abandoning the notion of a fair democracy as it is, open displays of classism is probably unwise.
No, we just stop the ability for them to impose upon the rest of us.
What tax rate do you think is fair for *your* money?
Except that money can screw up.It's simply a more convenient version of trading things directly. If you imagine a world in which money didn't exist and people wanted to exchange goods and services for something of equal value, people would eventually get tired of having to make multiple transactions to get what they want (e.g. you've got a cow and want a sheep, but the sheep guy doesn't want a cow) and decide to create a common medium of value which could be used to trade with. Which is exactly what happened, and here we are with... money.
Whatever the government is capable of proving it's worthy of. Honestly I think the majority in this country could do with more taxation, far too much entitlement to spend beyond their means on frivolous consumption.
Whatever the government is capable of proving it's worthy of. Honestly I think practically everyone in this country could do with more taxation, far too much entitlement to spend beyond their means on frivolous consumption.
Nice dodge, let me try a different approach:
Do you think rich people have just as much of a right to their money as you have to yours?
More taxation? **** me! The government are literally in your pocket every step of the way. You are bank rolling all those civil servants and politicians secure pensions. Complete communism. The man on the street paying for the government trough.
Within reason, I don't see why the likes of Bezos should be worth nearly $200B while he treats his workers like **** and underpays them. He may have taken on all the risk, but that doesn't mean he can take all of the rewards as ultimately without his employees he's not worth anything. As long as people are being paid fairly, then the tax should be equitable.