Universal income will solve things. It gets rid of the benefits system for a start and rids HMRC of a **** load of admin.
It won't get rid of the benefits system because some people will still need additional support.
People with chronic disabilities , familes with lots of kids etc
What it requires is a shift in mentality. Taxes should be mostly levied on companies, not individuals or consumption. That money is redistributed through services and an income that allows people the freedom not to work.
In a global market buisnesses can't and won't pick up the eye watering bills for paying for any meaningful level of UBI. They will move elsewhere or pass on any costs in increased prices to consumers.
I did the sums a few years ago on these forums and even a modest level of UBI would result in the states spending swelling massively and cause massive additional problems outside of its UBI's immediate costs.
Minimum wage for an adult over 25 is, currently £7.83 that equates to an annual salary of £16,286.40 for a full time worker....
If you wanted to pay that to the 81.1‰ if the population that are adults (2016 figures) (that's circa 53.7 million people) that would mean annual payments of circa 874.5 billion pounds annually.. ...
Total goverment spending in 2016 on everything, including existing welfare was 762.3 billion
And of course Ubi could not 'universally' replace all existing welfare either as extra payments would still be required for families with lots of children and certain disabled people for example.....
UBI would overnight double governmental spending requiring massive, unprecedented changes to taxation.
It would have course cause a whole host of other issues .... Including but not limited to
1) increasing immigration of those seeking UBI
2) increasing emigration of higher paid/skilled workers who would have to pay considerably higher taxes to support UBI payments
3) incentivising people to stay away from regular employment with a bit a bit of work in the 'untaxed' part of the economy being preferable
and 4) causing massive problems with inflation by ensuring that UBI remained enough to be considered a 'basic income' ...
not a panacea by any means, but it's part of a different way of allocating resources and distributing wealth away from the very wealthy.
Societies have tried 'different ways of allocating resources and wealth' before.
They failed, consistently. Market systems which include people selling their labour and expertise on the market are the only systems that work for actually having the chance of advancing society as a whole.
Of course, It's unlikely to happen because people are conditioned to see the economy as something where they put time in and receive wages out.
Unless robots can pretty much carry out all economic activity, replacing humans as they do so, then it would be disastrous to decouple effort/work put into a job and the wages received as a result....
Its like the old saying about how socialist economies were disfunctional....
'they pretend to pay us and we pretend to work'
Of course if robots can run the economy on their own then almost all humans become surplus to requirement. Which makes it unlikely that thoose controlling the robots (be it an AI, human or some combination thereof ) would want to have billions of humans living idle lifestyles at the expebse of the output of their robots with little or nothing given in return.
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