How Corporate Greed is Killing Your Favourite Video Games

I'm not sure which part of what I said you found so outlandish that you had to resort to personal insults.

Women take way more photos of themselves than men and the vast majority of coders are still men, both those things are facts.

Let's not even talk of the reaction that a males only photo of a gaming studio would bring in this misandry riddled industry.

Ah, so you've doubled down. I wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt and thought you'd just exaggerated for effect.

However you want to spin it, "men do all the work, women just take the credit" is about as incel as it gets.

This isn't me saying DEI isn't having an impact on the industry either, I just don't believe it's anywhere as extreme as that.
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Ah, so you've doubled down. I wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt and thought you'd just exaggerated for effect.

However you want to spin it, "men do all the work, women just take the credit" is about as incel as it gets.

This isn't me saying DEI isn't having an impact on the industry either, I just don't believe it's anywhere as extreme as that.
Let's be clear first, your opinion of me or whatever personal insults from you mean absolutely nothing to me, I was asking what triggered the attack.

Ubisoft employees are still 74% men so yes statistically speaking the vast majority of the work is still being done by men.

A females only photo is not only pointless but also misleading and only serves to push the current sexist agenda.
By "always someone" you mean the vast majority of gamers, hence why all the games infested with it are failing recently and the studios going under.
And that pretty much sums it up.
Most “gamers” I would imagine want game studios to thrive, compete and put out excellent content for us to enjoy, and at the moment it seems like theres a race to the bottom for some of them.
As for comments about being outraged etc, it’s the same old virtue signalling nonsense from the same old posters who seem to have little interest in gaming.
It's CEOs, Board members and major share holders who are completely out of touch hiring people like this

"Routed in white supremacist patriarchal values"

More from the same racist organisation.

No white people, a work environment with white people is not unsafe, its just that white people are a microaggression, a safe work environment is an environment that have only people like ones self.
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