How to cope?

Echo this, life is precious, it's not worth all the BS. Look after yourself.

Thank you both. I'm lucky that my Mrs is extremely supportive and understanding, and that my current management are sort of aware of the thoughts going through my head.

Looking back I don't recognise the person I was three years ago which makes me saddest
Glad to read that the problems which prompted this thread are finally gone, that's great news.

Do you know why your anxiety is remaining? Is it a hangover from before, or is there some ongoing cause for that?

Like others have said, life is too short to keep putting up with things that make you miserable, and you will almost never feel sorry for taking a stand and making a change for the better.
This is all super relatable OP - I went through something very similar about 6 years ago now. The drugs work - stuff will get better, and at least in my case and hopefully in yours, you end up not allowing things like this to happen again as you come out of it a bit 'wiser' and nip things in the bud before they can ever become an issue.
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