How to protect your home and your self from hostiles. Offiicial thread!!!

Who has not fired a section 1 firearm those days. It is as common as getting a pint of milk or booz at the local really.

Lol :D

I'd be interested to find out how many of the members here have actually fired one. I'd guess it's not many. I certainly haven't, although I did fire an air rifle at a cardboard box once :p

You'd be better off asking if certain posters know what a section 1 firearm is, there seems to be some confusion in this thread :D
I've fired a Lee-Enfield No4 .303, a Kar98K 7.92mm, a Mosin-Nagant 7.62mm carbine and a .308 chambered modern synthetic-stocked rifle, all at 300 yards.

The Lee-Enfield was lovely to shoot despite having had a hard service life previously and was well-worn, but I could still get a group around 2' at 300yards. (I'm no marksman, first time I'd fired it)
Couldn't get my eye in on the Kar98 and we didnt have a lot of ammo for it.

The Mosin-Nagant was the least used, and the most brutal. It kicked like a mule, and spat a gout of flame out of the barrel every 2nd or 3rd round - cheap cack Russki ammo! Was pretty accurate, but so light the recoil really did you no favours.

The modern .308 rifle (with AWP stock a-la Counter-Strike) was just sublime, but with a 2.5-10x50 modern set of optics on it I could put 10 rounds into the head of the 'standing man' figure at 300 yards no problem.

If you want to see range and accuracy though, check this bad boy out: Cheytac Intervention M200:


UK Section 1 Pop Quiz!

You can own some of these, so

:mad: Can't Have!

:) Can Have!

What do you think you can own in the UK under current legislation.

Answers if you CBA-

A. :mad:
C. :)
D. :mad:
E. :)
F. :)
G. :)
H. :)
I. :) (H & I Are the same gun!)
How do you have one if it's illegal? Are you admitting to owning an illegal firearm on a public forum?

Ah yes, I have now failed at the internets.

I'd edit but I think it'd be spotted.

Wishful thinking?

I have E, I used to have D! I shall proceed directly to jail and not collect £200 :(
Gun fetishists really weird me out, to me its as if they are saying "I know I am too much of a wimp to stand and bang so instead I'm going to fantasise about being able to carry a weapon that will mean I can stand up for myself"
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