HP Microserver+XPEnology

Going to give Nanoboot 64 a try. Well I'm bored :)

Nope it never worked. 100% going to wait for gnoBoot now
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It's been over a week but I've finally got my XPEnology Microserver running as I want it. It didn't help that SynoCommunity has been down all this time so it was a bit of a struggle getting Sickbeard and Sabnzbd working properly.

Currently running a 3 x 3TB array (one disk for redundancy) and will be slotting in a 4th soon. Plex runs really well on it and works amazingly well with my Sammy LCD.

Quick question though. The last thing I want to get running and has been causing problems is PlexConnect. The app starts but then quickly quits reporting that port 80 is already in use. Isn't port 80 used by the web front end? How do I get around this?
Is PlexConnect for apple tv?

I use android and everything works. I know this is no help to you.
Yeah trying to connect my Apple TV. I'm getting tired of re-encoding media just to get it working on my bedroom apple TV

If I can't find a solution no big deal. I may just sell my apple tv and get some other box that supports plex...or just a new Smart TV for the bedroom.
No update as yet. Trantor has started looking in to it. But I'm hoping gnoBoot comes out soon.
Question please ...is it best to run Xpenology from a USB stick.? Or could I install it on a small SSD.?
Question please ...is it best to run Xpenology from a USB stick.? Or could I install it on a small SSD.?

The USB stick has to stay in. Also the N54L has to boot from the USB stick.
The way synology works is that it writes the OS to all the HDs installed.

I've got an N54L I have yet to do much with.

Which version of XPenology would be best to fiddle about with to get a feel for it before migrating my hard disks and data from my old FreeNas Shuttle?

Can anyone please confirm what the BIOS settings need to be for this?

SATA Mode should be AHCI, RAID or IDE?

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