Poll: HP TouchPad - $99 in US - any sign of UK drop?

How many Touchpads have you managed to get ?

  • 0

    Votes: 148 50.3%
  • 1

    Votes: 66 22.4%
  • 2

    Votes: 38 12.9%
  • 3

    Votes: 14 4.8%
  • 4+

    Votes: 28 9.5%

  • Total voters
And there is is from Expansys:

Thank you for your pre-order for the HP TouchPad. As you know, we
have been trying very hard to get our hands on stock of this product.
Unfortunately, we have been unable to locate any stock at a price
which we feel is fair to pass on to our customers. As a result we
have to cancel the order you placed.

You will soon receive an official order cancellation email; however
we have kept a record of your interest in the HP TouchPad, and you
will be first to know if it ever becomes available to buy on

We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience or disappointment caused
and confirm that all necessary refunds will be issued as soon as the
orders are cancelled.

Kind regards,


Head of Customer Services, EXPANSYS
Good to be honest.

Its the fracking idiots who were selfish enough to buy so many of these just to make a quick buck who have spoilt it for everyone.

Should have been limited to one of each model per person, end of.

One thing I wonder about the Browser in the Touchpad.. can it run Active X controls???


I'm hurt by that tbh. I could have said nothing and sold them all on eBay for a profit. instead I sold them to friends and work collegues and ocuk forum members at cost

This chart shows the last 250 completed listing from eBay for the 16GB HP Touchpad, excludes P&P, and includes orders that didn't complete (i.e. the spurious points on the chart). There is a downward trend towards £150 by the 700-800 order.

N.B. The timescale equates to the last week or so. You'll note that the number for sale on eBay is actually quite small.
Ooooh, this tablet is spanktastic :D.

Posted from my . . . Nah, I won't do that :p

Hmm so Greebo did he spank you with his touchpad!? we are all expecting pics or it didnt happen !

If i had expressed interest with expansys should i be expecting an email of some sort?? i cant believe i have spent most of my recent days looking for one of these - feel like a zombie now :(
Your joking right?
Read the thread!

Good to be honest.
Its the fracking idiots who were selfish enough to buy so many of these just to make a quick buck who have spoilt it for everyone.
Should have been limited to one of each model per person, end of.
One thing I wonder about the Browser in the Touchpad.. can it run Active X controls???

I find your posts ironic considering Greebo didn't order 10 for himself, his 10 where through business channels that majority of this forum didn't have access to in first place.
He sold those units on to other people in his social circle and some forum members at cost. Hopefully he will get more and spread those on to other forum members who will be grateful.

But you would knows this if you read the thread :rolleyes:
Well my online Carphone Warehouse order has been cancelled.

I called them up because it had not been processed and was told there was a problem with my card (although natwest had told me that they had approved the transaction 10 times). He took a different card which caused the whole order to fail the securit check and cancel.

He couldnt tell me why it failed apart from it was internal.

He did reveal that the currently have stock of 280 touchpads but they are not orderable and they are expecting more in but again he didnt know what was happening with them.

Very unimpressed with them.

Same bank same problem. +1
@ Greebo

would it be possible with the news that HP will be making more for you to get us all one ordered I am sure I read a post from you where you said you could order as many as you liked in the beginning, and you wish you had.

Would that be possible mate? as I think it would be much less stressfull..
Same bank same problem. +1

I had the same bank problem but the CPW lady said to me to definitely not to try and use another card or it would possibly cancel the order. I called Barclaycard and they authorised it, called CPW back and the same woman sorted it.

Looks like I got lucky with the lady I spoke to!
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