Poll: HP TouchPad - $99 in US - any sign of UK drop?

How many Touchpads have you managed to get ?

  • 0

    Votes: 148 50.3%
  • 1

    Votes: 66 22.4%
  • 2

    Votes: 38 12.9%
  • 3

    Votes: 14 4.8%
  • 4+

    Votes: 28 9.5%

  • Total voters
I had the same bank problem but the CPW lady said to me to definitely not to try and use another card or it would possibly cancel the order. I called Barclaycard and they authorised it, called CPW back and the same woman sorted it.

Looks like I got lucky with the lady I spoke to!

When I spoke to Natwest there was nothing they could do because there was nothing wrong with the transaction :-(
I'm hurt by that tbh. I could have said nothing and sold them all on eBay for a profit. instead I sold them to friends and work collegues and ocuk forum members at cost

Not worth reacting to Greebo. What you have done is very commendable and if anyone deserves a 'Man of Honour' status here for sheer altruism then it's you.
I'm hurt by that tbh. I could have said nothing and sold them all on eBay for a profit. instead I sold them to friends and work collegues and ocuk forum members at cost

Sorry. I didnt mean to cause upset :(

I should have directed my irritation more at the cowboy shops and the ebay chancers.
I find your posts ironic considering Greebo didn't order 10 for himself, his 10 where through business channels that majority of this forum didn't have access to in first place.
He sold those units on to other people in his social circle and some forum members at cost. Hopefully he will get more and spread those on to other forum members who will be grateful.

But you would knows this if you read the thread :rolleyes:

Rolleyes, your bottom, shove. ;)
Congrats to those that managed to pick one up (at the sale price), I wasn't one of them, but just posting to show we aren't all bitter, I was irritated at the trick Amazon pulled but and the end of the day its not really important.
I would doubt UK is in for much. Although one of my colleague's EPP orders now mentions a payment stage where it didn't before. I hope they didn't cancel my order only for stock to come in.
Ive had a look at the last few pages and didnt see it mentioned, HP have emailed me as i had expressed interest earlier through the website. Its echoing a lot about what the other links and blogs are saying more will be available in a few weeks time. They have also given me a voucher code to use on their store - im assuming others have this?

it was sent around 5pm earlier.

EDIT it was mentioned but not sure if others had missed it - i certainly did :)
Why oh why have people been so confident of securing a touchpad that they've gone out and bought all the accessories prior to actually owning a touchpad? It baffles me!

I bought the case before CPW confirmed my TouchPad order because they were selling out fast (the Indian restaurant was sold out). I ordered it from CPW and if they couldn't deliver my TouchPad I had the perfect excuse to send it back.
Ive had a look at the last few pages and didnt see it mentioned, HP have emailed me as i had expressed interest earlier through the website. Its echoing a lot about what the other links and blogs are saying more will be available in a few weeks time. They have also given me a voucher code to use on their store - im assuming others have this?

it was sent around 5pm earlier.

EDIT it was mentioned but not sure if others had missed it - i certainly did :)

It is a bit of a meh offer and not much use unless you can order from the US, more Touchpads will be for them over there.
I'm hurt by that tbh. I could have said nothing and sold them all on eBay for a profit. instead I sold them to friends and work collegues and ocuk forum members at cost

I had a quick flick through the rest of the thread on boards.ie and it seems at least some people are intelligent enough to realise that you aren't making any profit on them.

Edit: Oh, I see you've posted on there now.
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Originally Posted by M0T
Well my online Carphone Warehouse order has been cancelled.

I called them up because it had not been processed and was told there was a problem with my card (although natwest had told me that they had approved the transaction 10 times). He took a different card which caused the whole order to fail the securit check and cancel.

He couldnt tell me why it failed apart from it was internal.

He did reveal that the currently have stock of 280 touchpads but they are not orderable and they are expecting more in but again he didnt know what was happening with them.

Very unimpressed with them.
Same bank same problem. +1

Well guys.. I thought I was the only one that this happened to. I had the same problem with Barclays. It really annoys me too.

I rang up and was ever so polite about the whole thing, but the best they could do was offer to pass my details onto the web team. I doubt they ever bothered.
Sign up to these twitter accounts: (@BrynaatHP) and I (@MarkatHP)

Quote also before in that link: We will share updates on regional availability as the information comes in.
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