Bah...disappointed with the game creation options. I've just started it up to check. For reference, I always play Civ on the largest map possible, with as many Civs as possible and on Marathon game length, which I think is 1,500 turns. Had hoped that when release came around Humankind would have something similar in scale, so quite disappointed to find that the largest map is smaller, the max number of factions is only 10 and the longest game length (Endless) is only 600 turns.
(to be fair on the map size, the superlarge map size for Civ came after release, so in terms of map size at release, Humankinds is larger. Just a pity about the turn length being less than half the number of turns as Civs longest and only 10 factions, which is again less than half Civs.)
Is the game length related to the actual win conditions of Humankind compared to Civ? Whereas in Civ you can win at any point, the only way to win in HK is to have the most points at the end of the game?