i am fat

8 Jan 2009
North East
Apart from that I'd agree with your post. The "more meals = faster fat burning" idea has been debunked, and is now considered to be just a myth.

Well i dont know 100% either way, but I know if I have one large meal afterwards you feel bloated and cant be bothered to do anything. If he takes smaller more frequent meals, he wont feel like this and will likely have more energy to get up and do things. Most people after a big meal just want to slump down, so whether it is proven to burn fat faster or not, I still think that is the best approach. :)
27 Nov 2008
Start slow, I'm your height although maybe not quite as heavy. Currently I can't run a mile without having to take a little walk every now and then. I'm making it a goal to do it comfortably and then adding distance again. Luckily the next stop lights for me will make it a two mile run and slowly build up.

Don't run, jog. If you haven't exercised like me in the last few years you won't be able to run a fraction of it so don't waste your time, it'll only make you feel worse. :)

Also, my meals are no larger than a cup, so yep, fill up a cup and thats your meal size. First week is hard, but it gives results :)

What kind of cup? A tea cup? :O

I eat a banana for breakfast with an orange juice, footlong sub and low fat crisps for lunch and a dinner of around the same size. I can tell you, I'm usually hungry by the time I'm going to bed.
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8 Nov 2008
1. Keep it straight forward to start with.

2. Eat whole foods, don't worry about portions, just eat the right foods.

3. Gently ease in to exercise, a few mins every other day and after a few months aim to be doing around at least half an hour three times a week.

4. Let us know how you get on! :)
1 Jun 2010
I've recently lost almost 2stone in 6 weeks.

Done this by limiting myself to 1000-1200 calories a day and making sure everything I eat is healthy and contains everything I need.

Prerparation is the key here mate, don't not do a food shop and think "ah **** I've not got anything for dinner I'll order a kebab and chips"

Also, my meals are no larger than a cup, so yep, fill up a cup and thats your meal size. First week is hard, but it gives results :)

As far as exercising goes, I walk 5miles a day to and from work so maybe something similar to get yourself going?

Started off at 17st and 5ft 7, currently 15st 3 and still 5ft 7 :p :)

Good luck!

That is impressive:cool:

I agree when talking about weight loss that good exercise and healthy diet go hand in hand. Also food intake needs to be reduced and drinking more water is essential.

However if eating junk food while exercising there won't be any progress.
8 Dec 2008
East yorkshire near hull
I have lost abot 4 stone recently without killing my self in the gym will share a few tips how i did it.

My first tip is to walk more. I would make sure i would go on 1 or 2 decent walks a day set your self a distance to walk then slowy increase it over time. Once i got a bit fitter i started to jog and run for parts of the walk.

Drink lots of water my biggest weakness was fizzy drinks i never realised how much calories was in them. Also cut out the booze.

Set realistic goals and treat your self once a week. Weather it be a take away or booze but watch your portion sizes and dont pig out. Strict diets are hard to keep to and borring.

Eat 3 meals a day this was something i found hard as i would normaly just eat one big meal a day. If you can eat 3 times a day you will eat less. If i went all day without eating thats when i would crave a take away or i ould over eat. As some one said plan your meals think about what you going to eat durring the day or even the week and stick to it.

Slow down when your eating your body takes time to digest your food if you eat slower you will feel fuller on less food.

Always read the lables or check online on your food its easy to lose track of how many calories your are taking in. For example i would often have bread with my meals 3 or 4 silces which added a extra 300-400 calries to my meals.

Buy your self some nice clothes that dont fit or if you have nice clothes that no longer fit use it as motivation to get back into them.

Lasty dont be affraid to tell people you are on a diet, people would often ask me how much i lost or how it was going and that was good motivation. After a month or so i got loads of good comments from people saying how good i looked and so on.
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1 Nov 2003
Lisbon, Portugal
What kind of cup? A tea cup? :O

I eat a banana for breakfast with an orange juice, footlong sub and low fat crisps for lunch and a dinner of around the same size. I can tell you, I'm usually hungry by the time I'm going to bed.

The first week is hard! It takes an insane amount of self control!

The first 2 weeks I went on a mainly liquid based diet to shrink my stomach so it was...

Cereal for breakfast and lunch, soup for dinner.

I'm now sick of cereal :p

But it worked, it significantly reduced the size of my stomach so I don't really get hunger pains anymore unless I don't eat to the point I'm light headed!

And now when I eat a meal I am eating probably a quarter of what I uses to and I'm full.

And yes by cup I mean a cup you make your tea in :)

That is impressive :cool:

Thanks! :)
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17 Jul 2008
not a long term solution but if you are in otherwise good health try a low carb diet,

189cm tall was 149kg now 124kg in 6 months, been steady at that weight for 4 or 5 months now on a NO bread / rice / pasta diet, drinking lots of fizzy water (yum yum) and snacking on nuts ,seeds, chicken when hungery....

low carb is VERY easy (and lazy) diet, no effort really at all... its hardly even a diet as you can eat jsut about anything...
26 Dec 2005
Low carb diets are hard to stick to, he should join weight watchers where nothing is taboo in what he eats.

Its far too restrictive, not "eat just about anything" at all, about as far from it as possible.
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