I found a broken cat this evening :/

Really good job helping that cat. I am sure the owners will care.

Reminds me of when I was about 9 or so, I had just come home from school and heard our cat scratching at the front door mewling strangely. When I opened the door he was there on the front mat with his rear legs completely collapsed and his tail matted with blood.

Just to point out here my parents house at the time had a long drive heading up to the main road, he had dragged himself with just his front paws all the way along to the front door to get home, no idea how far before he got to the top of our drive way either. He was a bad ass cat that use to beat up the annoying yappy dog next door if it annoyed him too much.

I let him in and cuddled him for a couple hours alone while waiting for my mum to get home. When we got him to the vet he told us that his tail had got crushed and he had tried to run off (car parked on tail? Horrible neighborhood children?) and in doing so yanked the rear of his spine. Unfortunately this not only left him completely and irretrievably paralysed in his rear legs but also unable to pass water. I think my mum spent around £2k in operations before he ended up having to be put down as there was nothing that could be done.
No news as of yet. The vet's are just saying that the owners are being kept "informed" and there's nothing else they can say!

The cat is apparently being made comfortable and that's also all they'll say about it!

Ridiculous, it's data protection gone mad, if someone had found my pet and taken them to a vets, the first thing I would do is thank the person who brought it in! Nothing as of yet on my mobile, they ticked the box that said could I be contacted so....
I'll stick in a fiver for this worthy cause. Not had cats for ages, living away from my parents and they keep moving country/continent so would be a bit unfair on it. I miss little purry kitties.
Hope we end up with good news! It does suck that they're not being forthcoming with information. As said by a few, I'll happily cough up some coin, but if the owners have been contacted surely they will pay for their cats health. They had better!!!
Ask the vet that if the owner requests for the animal to be put down, you'ld like know how much it'd cost to put the cat right and if the cat would have any quaility of life afterwards.

It bothers me how many people see cats and dogs as disposable toys when they become too expensive to keep healthy. This thread is looking to be a positive one.
Well done OP!

Here's to a happy ending, hopefully.

Count me in for some coin if the owners turn out to be a*******.
Really good job helping that cat. I am sure the owners will care.

Reminds me of when I was about 9 or so, I had just come home from school and heard our cat scratching at the front door mewling strangely. When I opened the door he was there on the front mat with his rear legs completely collapsed and his tail matted with blood.

Just to point out here my parents house at the time had a long drive heading up to the main road, he had dragged himself with just his front paws all the way along to the front door to get home, no idea how far before he got to the top of our drive way either. He was a bad ass cat that use to beat up the annoying yappy dog next door if it annoyed him too much.

I let him in and cuddled him for a couple hours alone while waiting for my mum to get home. When we got him to the vet he told us that his tail had got crushed and he had tried to run off (car parked on tail? Horrible neighborhood children?) and in doing so yanked the rear of his spine. Unfortunately this not only left him completely and irretrievably paralysed in his rear legs but also unable to pass water. I think my mum spent around £2k in operations before he ended up having to be put down as there was nothing that could be done.


Please tell me insurance paid for it?

OP, you're a decent dude, cat was lucky you came across it. :)
Ask the vet that if the owner requests for the animal to be put down, you'ld like know how much it'd cost to put the cat right and if the cat would have any quaility of life afterwards.

It bothers me how many people see cats and dogs as disposable toys when they become too expensive to keep healthy. This thread is looking to be a positive one.

Couldn't agree more its disgusting how some are treated :(

As long as I'm not putting the animal through suffering for my own benefit(ie chemo to extend life despite not being a quality one) then ill remortgage the house before I stop paying vet bills. Might be extreme to some of you but my dog and cat are family as far as I'm concerned.
Ask the vet that if the owner requests for the animal to be put down, you'ld like know how much it'd cost to put the cat right and if the cat would have any quaility of life afterwards.

It bothers me how many people see cats and dogs as disposable toys when they become too expensive to keep healthy. This thread is looking to be a positive one.

Agreed. I pay £24pcm total to insure my two. It is worth it for the safety and security of knowing if anything does happen, they will get what ever treatment they need, without having to worry about the bill afterwards. 2 months ago, it paid off when we found one of ours with a suspected fox bite. It had grabbed her around the flank with three teeth puncture marks and allot of soft tissue damage. Being able to sign the consent form for blood test, x ray, surgery etc without having to worry about the cost was such a relief words can not describe. She is now back to full health, fur mostly grown back and you wouldn't even know!

Pet insurance should be as compulsory as car insurance. A car is a lump of metal, a pet is a living thing.
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Ifs its paralyzied then tbh dont get hopes up :(

Oh and never phone the RSPCA for strays ALWAYS phone a local sanctuary. RSPCA are utter scum bags who put healthy animals down as a matter of course. Do some google research on the matter and you will soon see the real side to them.

My sister used to work for them until she learned the hard way as to how they are run.... animal welfare is low on the list after making money, seeing to be "respectable" and wasting money on uniforms and other, not really needed, things.

Animals that need a little more care than usual are just put down, even when staff volunteer to help in their own time. Of course not all the staff are bad, but sadly most of the good hearted ones leave! According to her too many of them would rather be driving round in a shiny new van in a uniform and feel important than get dirty and actually, you know, help animals in distress.
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