I got me 3D printer, awesome!

All those reasons along with the ones I listed are why I can't find anything that ticks the boxes for anywhere near the same price :)

S3D is also on the list, though I'd already be pushing the budget way out for the BigBox, so it'll probably have to wait for a short while.

Btw, I don't own a Prusa. I just mentioned it as it's the only thing for less money that offers the same kind of print size, and those kind of issues are just things I've gathered on my travels.

No harm in waiting just in case. You could learn up on simplify3D for when you get a printer.

Hi, i posted a new thread HERE if anyone could advice that would be great, thanks

You've got to work out how big it is and can a 3D printer even print it.
You may have to break it down in to parts yourself.

Just saving a cad file to STL is no guarantee it will print. You will have to make sure it can, by checking the STL file.

What filament do you want it printed in?
How fine do you want the print layers?
I think people here could add to that. If you are doing this for a company then your going to be charge BIG BUCKS :)
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Hi guys. Rather than start a new thread i thought i'd post here as you all seem to know whats going on in the world of 3D printing. After looking at the E3D big box im very impressed and will definitley be considering that 3D printer wise. However in my spare time i do a fair bit of work dressing up furniture. Not shabby chic'ing things but more kids stuff like star wars, super heroes etc. Along with a 3D printer i'd like something that could maybe cut MDF shapes for me? I really think that would help realise some of my furniture ideas.

So for that what am i looking for and can anyone recomend anything?

Cheers :)
Hi guys. Rather than start a new thread i thought i'd post here as you all seem to know whats going on in the world of 3D printing. After looking at the E3D big box im very impressed and will definitley be considering that 3D printer wise. However in my spare time i do a fair bit of work dressing up furniture. Not shabby chic'ing things but more kids stuff like star wars, super heroes etc. Along with a 3D printer i'd like something that could maybe cut MDF shapes for me? I really think that would help realise some of my furniture ideas.

So for that what am i looking for and can anyone recomend anything?

Cheers :)

Sounds like you are probably better off with a CNC, or laser cutter for what you want to do.

I am still using my 3D printer (that started this thread), and it is still rocking. I find it invaluable in my work! I use a combo of the laser cutter and 3D printer to make some fairly amazing stuff.
Sounds like you are probably better off with a CNC, or laser cutter for what you want to do.

I am still using my 3D printer (that started this thread), and it is still rocking. I find it invaluable in my work! I use a combo of the laser cutter and 3D printer to make some fairly amazing stuff.

Thanks for replying. Do you have examples of the type of things you've created? I think i'd be after the laser cutter to begin with as i'll probably be able to do more with that right now than i could with a 3D printer. From a quick google £1500 seems to be the starting point? What do you use laser cutter wise? Can you recomend any software to use with them? Sorry for all the questions. :)
Hi guys. Rather than start a new thread i thought i'd post here as you all seem to know whats going on in the world of 3D printing. After looking at the E3D big box im very impressed and will definitley be considering that 3D printer wise. However in my spare time i do a fair bit of work dressing up furniture. Not shabby chic'ing things but more kids stuff like star wars, super heroes etc. Along with a 3D printer i'd like something that could maybe cut MDF shapes for me? I really think that would help realise some of my furniture ideas.

So for that what am i looking for and can anyone recomend anything?

Cheers :)

Start a thread on Laser cutters. There are a few guys here with C02 cutters, they can help.

I've just ordered a shed loads of things for my printer.
I'm going to flash repetier by Luc and fit new extruder\motor\hot end and some Extruder Pipes with Teflon.
Any specific hardware or just in general? I know a few E3D, PrintME 3D, Replicat3d.


Any place like Bang Good. I just want things faster.
Having said that I just bought 2X Nema 17 40mm motors with all metal extruders for £20 from BG :)
You can make the plastic parts yourself. But setting up the sensors ect is a pain.
I think his done a good job as you can add your own dremel\laser to it.

If my mode works out ok, I will be adding a auto bed leveller to it. That should make my life easier :)
Don't suppose anyone has heard any more on the NFire 1 of late? I noticed they said they were getting close to their first batch shipment for KS backers on 19/02.

Just wondering when they're likely to have a retail offering on the go.

Failing that, anything of comparable/better quality on the market for similar money (£300-400) today?
Don't suppose anyone has heard any more on the NFire 1 of late? I noticed they said they were getting close to their first batch shipment for KS backers on 19/02.

Just wondering when they're likely to have a retail offering on the go.

Failing that, anything of comparable/better quality on the market for similar money (£300-400) today?

Not UK made no. There are Chinese ones.

I never knew it had E3D hot end! I'd wait dude.
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Think I will then. I've pinged them a message. Getting to that point now where I'm finding more uses for a 3D printer so I think an investment is worthwhile. :)
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