I hate my Job :/

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Flibster said:
Hey piggy.

Now working on that doc for you to take a look at later. :D

As for work - don't stress. Just remember where you're going to be next year earning more money and doing..well..who knows *well..apart form Desmo. ;) :p*

Also - Alton Towers! :D

Just do it for the money...don't do it for the users *I found that wanting to help people was wrong with Fujitsu* - there was a regular call at Fujitsu between the Helldesk staff - Think of the money!!


No offense but I know the desk you worked on and yes they are very much like the other call centers. But there are plenty of other desks within Fujitsu that are very different. I originally started working for the company in Kidsgrove and whilst for premium rate calls for ISP support they wanted you to finish ASAP mainly so the customer didnt have to pay large amounts of money, they didnt have a lot of the rules you had to put up with.

I know its the same for most of the desks down in Footscray and for a lot of the Stevenage desks.
Piggymon said:
Modelling ? Don't be daft :)

I'm not even 5ft , I don't think there's much call for a short arse model :p

lol, it was only a suggestion- it would probs be better than the nasty place where you are.

You should look elsewhere for a job, maybe in a different area with a completely different job.
My point was that you might try doing something completely different to what you're already doing.
Otherwise look for someone who will really appreciate you and your skills.
Good luck
Coming late to this thread, but I know how you feel. I work for Plusnet on their
sales/customer support/faults/tech support line, we are targetted on an average call time of 3:30 mins and expected to achieve 104 issues per day.
Unfortunately I didn't realise the job was going to be like this when I joined, just wish I had somewhere else to go.
And heres me thinking where I worked was bad.
I know its no consolation at all, but at least you are consulted about things by management (even if it is extremely harsh)...

I'm gonna make a point in future of letting NTL know when I have an extremely helpful person on the phone who fixes my problem - because I thought you would have had better working conditions... clearly I was wrong.

I have an interview towards the end of May, so it is possible to escape from Alcatraz... I hope you find something soon.
FordPrefect said:
I know its the same for most of the desks down in Footscray and for a lot of the Stevenage desks.

Well I have to agree, i'm working in fcy01 atm, and the AHT is not strict on our desk (ntl dial up), but for others it is, esp TW:BB. Luckily the atmosphere on our desk is great, or else i would have been out of there a long time ago tbh.

jonifen said:
I'm gonna make a point in future of letting NTL know when I have an extremely helpful person on the phone who fixes my problem - because I thought you would have had better working conditions... clearly I was wrong.

I wish more customers had this attitude when they ring us up.
You know what would be funny Piggy?

Find some way to make your superiors' (wrong word here, bosses maybe?) systems go on the blink and force them to use thier own tech support services.

Then when the call hits the 10 minute mark (after stringing them along with multiple restarts for nothing) tell them, "Sorry. My time is up, you'll have to call back and start from scratch with someone else, who will do the same thing as I have DUE TO YOUR STUPID RULES!!!!"

Would be classic to give them a taste of thier own medicine!! LOL
Thanks again everyone for your support .. I've also had a few nice emails so thank you :)

I'm going away this weekend .. Only got this morning in work WOOOOT !! :D

I've been looking and looking for jobs in swansea but there really is nothing about :/
Piggymon said:
I can't use the loo for more than 10 mins a day :p

Yep I remember my TL when I was ntl in Swansea (on the Customer Services Faults side - the light side) saying to us that we were literally taking the **** and that between the whole team all week we had been to the toilet for like an hour.

I nearly told her if you want me to conduct the operation in a bottle under my desk i'm more than happy to :) . But I'm quite sure that some other members of staff may disagree. - This probably only works if your male!!

NTL Swansea really sucks my advise to anyone is to keep your head down and get out as soon as you can.
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