I hate my Job :/

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Lostcorpse said:
Can't go wrong from uncle Von Smallhausen's advice, not failed anyone yet :D

Oi !! I resent that spam reference, me ? spam ? ;)

I am serious for a change. I was very unhappy not so long back and I made a change. Piggy is no different and can do something about it. It is horrible, I know from personal experience, to come home from a job you hate and you bring home all the worry with you, are unable to unwind and it affects your life adversely.

A call centre job is not worth all the stress and seemingly never ending 'persecution ' if you like.

No sorry Von Smallhausen the spam was there to say i was spamming. perhaps i should change it to "off topic" instead. was more the case of i didn't have anything else to add to the thread that would help Piggymon at this time.

And i was serious about the tape recorder. it means that they would have to be very care in the way they word things to piggymon. Plus Piggymon also has a full record of what was said exactly.
Lostcorpse said:
No sorry Von Smallhausen the spam was there to say i was spamming. perhaps i should change it to "off topic" instead. was more the case of i didn't have anything else to add to the thread that would help Piggymon at this time.

And i was serious about the tape recorder. it means that they would have to be very care in the way they word things to piggymon. Plus Piggymon also has a full record of what was said exactly.

Aha. I have misread your post matey, not that I took offence to it in the first place. No problem Lc. :)

As for tape-recording converstions without the other person know it. I think there could legal implications, perhaps under the RIPA Act of 2000 and also the Human Rights Act, right to privacy etc. When I say legal implications, I mean admissibility in any future proceedings that Piggy cared to bring forward in a tribunal or whatever. I do not say that I am 100% correct on this, but something is buzzing at the back of my mind about it. I don't want to be seen to be going against Piggymon here, not at all, but it is certainly worth looking into via an employment law solicitor or Citizen's Advice. I do not knock the idea at all, it is a great way of recprding anything relevant to Piggy's case, but I would tread carefully in doing it until I knew the score.

Again VS i think i said have it out in the open "have it on the table recording the whole conversions" or i at least ment have it, so ever one knows its there recording the whole thing. Then piggy could have the other person decribe the problem in there own words i.e. "the skirt in question is 12inch long this is an unaceptable length blh blah blah"

Piggy then should say some were that she is recording these conversaions Because she feels she is being treated unfairly, and have her manager say that they understand why the tape recorder is there.
Hmmmm, thats twice I have misread your posts Lc. I can always blame getting up just over an hour ago I suppose.

Letting them know that you are tape recording the process wouldn't be a problem I would have thought, from a legal point of view anyhow.

Time for VS to shut up for a bit perhaps ..... :)
Von Smallhausen said:
Hmmmm, thats twice I have misread your posts Lc. I can always blame getting up just over an hour ago I suppose.

Letting them know that you are tape recording the process wouldn't be a problem I would have thought, from a legal point of view anyhow.

Time for VS to shut up for a bit perhaps ..... :)

Psst everyone else blames it on my spelling and gramer so go ahead SV.
Dont worry about it i probably wasn't very clear with the way i frased it.
With a tape recording you have to have a 2 copies of it - one for yourself and one for your interviewers.

yes - have been through and done this myself.

Problem with tape recording conversations is that you have to let the other party know that you are recording the conversation or else it becomes inadmissable in a court of law should it get that far.
Personally if my employee said to me he was recording the conversation then i would be very very very careful in what i say or do etc or just outright refuse but then that doesnt look good doing that does it?.
So if piggy decides to take this action then im sure her employers will allow her but they will choose and pick their words out very carefully.
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As I was working in a secure enviroment - after an completely pointless written warning *for something that everyone on the desk did...* pretty much all of us quit. We were given 4 weeks gardening leave.

I moved in with the other half and got another job within 3 weeks.

Did start thinking of constructive dismissal though. Was told that I wouldn't get very far on it so didn't follow it up.

It was a crap place though - was fine when it was Branson owned...then the RBS took over and sucked all the fun out of the place.

Now..the tech support is outsourced to a company who nave no idea about the service, how it works or what needs to be dun to work with it. They get more complaints about them in 1 week than we got in 2 years. :D

Spawn said:
Problem with tape recording conversations is that you have to let the other party know that you are recording the conversation or else it becomes admissable in a court of law should it get that far.

You mean inadmissable ? Don't mean to sound pedantic, just want to clear it up. :)

Lostcorpse said:
Psst everyone else blames it on my spelling and gramer so go ahead SV.
Dont worry about it i probably wasn't very clear with the way i frased it.

So I am Son Vmallhausen now ? :D
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Hardhuddy said:
Piggy Move to Braintree and get a job in the city :)

I'm Emmigrating in about 6 months time ;)

Again thank you everyone taking the time to reply and try and help .. I really do appreciate it :)

Allow me to present the offending skirt ..


Waaaaay too short isn't it :rolleyes:

If I had a minskirt on or something I wouldn't complain , If I had been told when I wore it yesterday I may have a little whinge but FFS !! .. Just let me do my damn job !!!
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