I have 1GB of DDR1 RAM is it possible to gain access to Crysis ultra high settings?

Okay i have found a mod that allows you to run very high settings in xp, it's some cgi file. It can play some dx10 features in direct x9 and it's said to be able to also improve fps performance.

and to you all, i cannot run the benchmark yet, not till some time next week as i won't be around my gaming PC, and this is not an excuse i am not trying to dodge anything, i will post in the coming days. Just tell me once running the benchmark how can i make multiple screenshots? And will the benchmark also allow me to play and take screenshots?

Let it bench 3 times then when it finishes take a print screen of the results page! All the info we need is on that page!
Okay i have found a mod that allows you to run very high settings in xp, it's some cgi file. It can play some dx10 features in direct x9 and it's said to be able to also improve fps performance.
No you can't do that.

and to you all, i cannot run the benchmark yet, not till some time next week as i won't be around my gaming PC, and this is not an excuse i am not trying to dodge anything, i will post in the coming days. Just tell me once running the benchmark how can i make multiple screenshots? And will the benchmark also allow me to play and take screenshots?

What a surprise not, so which PC are you on now, your uber expensive rig?
No you can't do that.

What a surprise not, so which PC are you on now, your uber expensive rig?

You can, you can run litrally Very-High in XP using what I posted in the big quote above, they are supposodly DX10 features but now we know they are not.

no i am typing on a cheap PC, and my gaming rig is £500

My gaming rig would be about £500 if I bought these parts in one go, its not very budget unless you've got an Athlon X2 in there which will slow things down a slight amount.

You are saying because it feels so smooth it must be 50fps, but when it feels smooth at 25+fps it can feel like a higher fps, I can gaurantee at 1680x1050 all high with 4xAA it wont be playable.
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Er because maybe like we know he isn't getting anywhere near that FPS he may also being saying that he isn't at the "Crysis Rig" so he can get out of benchmarking it?

His impressions as to what he is getting FPS wise is nothing like the statement that he is not near said pc.
In Windows XP, regardless of RAM, Graphics Card, Bubble Gum flavor or anything else, the 'Very High' settings are not available in the in-game menus.

In Windows Vista, with a DX10 Graphics Card, the 'Very High' options are available in the in-game menus.

This is not, however, because the Very High levels are DX10 specific, as a hack has proved that you can run them in XP, with DX9. they are just very high quality settings that [skeeter hunch] Microsoft paid Crytek large sums of money to only enable in Vista as an attempt to promote the OS [/skeeter hunch].
I can run 1280*1024 and get about 55fps on average, sometimes hitting the high 60's at times. However this is with all AA off.

Your claims be wierd young one, and believe you me I have seriously benchmarked this game over the last month.
I thought everyone knew the features of VERY HIGH are actually possible in DX9 and Windows XP by editing the game configs:


In: ?:\?\Electronic Arts\Crytek\Crysis\Game\Config\CVarGroups

Open each file and you'll have something like this:

Delete EVERYTHING under [3] and replace it with EVERYTHING from inbetween =4 and [1] at the top.

that is aload of turd, what you are telling the computer to do is to running level 2 settimngs when you select level 3 i.e. high. you are not actualy improving graphics, just making people believe you are. alod of rubbisgp.
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